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13 - 24 of 1726
The shadow of the photographer and his camera are visible in the picture., Title from item, date devised by Library staff. The photograph is captioned on the mount., Main Heritage Compact General, HC.HP.2018.0205-0001, 2-D Graphic, Item-ID: i26263646, BIB-ID: 2804845
Title and date from the item., Main Heritage Compact General, HC.HP.2018.0264-0037, 2-D Graphic, Item-ID: i25601568, BIB-ID: 2719812
Title and date from the item., Main Heritage Compact General, HC.HP.2018.0264-0039, 2-D Graphic, Item-ID: i25614393, BIB-ID: 2720920
Title and date from the item., Main Heritage Compact General, HC.HP.2018.0263-0008, 2-D Graphic, Item-ID: i25390697, BIB-ID: 2709651
Title and date devised., Main Heritage Compact General, HC.HP.2018.0263-0009, 2-D Graphic, Item-ID: i25390703, BIB-ID: 2709652
Text in the back of the photograph: An aerial view of the Sharq district of Doha, showing the residence of the Al-Hitmi Family, the former Palace of the Al Thani and the Distillation Plant., Title and date devised by Library staff., Main Heritage Compact General, HC.HP.2018.0264-0007, 2-D Graphic, I ...
Title devised, date from item., Main Heritage Compact General, HC.HP.2018.0264-0008, 2-D Graphic, Item-ID: i25413557, BIB-ID: 2710755
Title and date from the item., Main Heritage Compact General, HC.HP.2018.0264-0041, 2-D Graphic, Item-ID: i25614484, BIB-ID: 2720922
Title and date devised by Library staff. The print is signed and numbered (347)., Main Heritage Compact General, HC.HP.25171-0001, 2-D Graphic, Item-ID: i23414078, BIB-ID: 2501837
re print copy - not original, Main Heritage Vault, 2-D Graphic, Item-ID: i24780704, BIB-ID: 2659159
Title and date from item. Slides housed in a plastic sheet captioned by the author. Catalogue 2, sleeve 4. Transparency 64., Main Heritage Compact General, HC.HP.2019.0072, 2-D Graphic, Item-ID: i25854148, BIB-ID: 2749144
Title from item, date devised by Library staff. The slide is titled (Arabic and English) and numbered (8)., Main Heritage Compact General, HC.HP.26833-0008, 2-D Graphic, Item-ID: i23717154, BIB-ID: 2526879