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Main Heritage Compact General, HC.MAP.00019, Print Map, Item-ID: i23298121, BIB-ID: 2495922
beÿ Tranquillo Mollo., "Lehrbuch der Geographie IV Abthl. Seite 117,121.", Upper right "50.", Main Heritage Compact General, HC.MAP.00126, Print Map, Item-ID: i17066001, BIB-ID: 1525265
Main Heritage Compact General, HC.MAP.01296, Print Map, Item-ID: i24903991, BIB-ID: 2667597
L. Balatri inc. e scris., With key to various important churches, institutes, palaces, theaters, and other sites., Main Heritage Compact General, HC.MAP.01181, Print Map, Item-ID: i1140436x, BIB-ID: 1172779
Relief shown by hypsometric tints, With 3 inset maps: "The municipality of Muscat," "Salalah," and "Muscat", Produced and published under the auspices of the Directorate General of Tourism, Ministry of Commerce and Industry by Tawoos LLC. Map information derived from the Sultanate Road Map/Wall Map ...
Map is in Turkish and English, With two inset maps: "Boğaziçi-Bosphourus" (scale 1:125,000) and " Adalar-Princes Isles" (scale 1:38,000), "Map of Uskudar-Kadikoy, Istanbul. Rare map of detail of a district in Istanbul, showing christian cemeteries, hospital, post offices, public toilets, restauran ...
[d'Après de Mannevillette]., Number 27., In : "Neptune oriental" / Jean-Baptiste Nicolas Denis d'Après de Mannevillette, Paris : Malassis, 1775 d'après National maritime museum cat., vol. 3, p. 224., Main Heritage Compact General, HC.MAP.00034, Print Map, Item-ID: i17065434, BIB-ID: 1525203
[d'Après de Mannevillette]., Numéroté 27., In : "Neptune oriental" / Jean-Baptiste Nicolas Denis d'Après de Mannevillette, Paris : Malassis, 1775 d'après National maritime museum cat., vol. 3, p. 224., Main Heritage Compact General, HC.MAP.01195, Print Map, Item-ID: i1140484x, BIB-ID: 1172827
Relief shown pictorially., Covers old port city of al-Mukā on the Red Sea, and a major city under the Ottoman Empire in the 18th century., Shows coastlines, seaport, forts, merchants quarters, markets, and settlements., Includes list of major civic buildings., "Tome III, No. 20.", LC copy annotated ...