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By Thos. Starling, Main Heritage Compact General, HC.MAP.01082, Print Map, Item-ID: i11403111, BIB-ID: 1172654
"Drawn & Engraved by J. Dower ... ", Numbered 25., Shows boundaries, rivers, deserts and principal settlements., Relief shown by hachures., Greenwich meridian., Main Heritage Display General, HC.MAP.01084, Print Map, Item-ID: i11403160, BIB-ID: 1172659, Persia and Arabian Peninsula.
by A.K. Johnston., Relief shown in hachures., In upper right corner: National atlas, 25., Main Heritage Compact General, HC.MAP.00433, Print Map, Item-ID: i11401229, BIB-ID: 1172465
Shows city sizes by shape and size of different symbol bullets., Relief shown by hachures., LC copy: Attached piece of paper states, "New Universal Atlas, H.S. Tanner, S. Augustus Mitchell, Philadelphia 1846.", LC copy: Same attached paper states, "Property of Andrew Arthur Benton, New York, N.Y.", ...
Thomas Cowperthwait & Co., Divides Persia in sub-boundaries, including Afghanistan and Beloochistan., Relief shown by hachures., "Entered according to act of Congress in the year 1852 by Thomas Cowperthwait & Co. in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Eastern District of Pennsylv ...
by Johnson and Ward, 2 Maps in one: (1) Johnsons TURKEY in ASIA. Published by Alvin J. Johnson & Son. New York [low r. h.]. Scale: Miles, 200. [low r. h.]. (2) Johnsons PERSIA, ARABIA, BELOOCHISTAN and Afghanistan ... [low r. h.]., Shows regions, rivers, roads, and cities of the middle east., R ...
by G.A. Long ; Published under the superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge ; engraved by J. & C. Walker., Dissected and mounted on cloth, in cloth cover, Pocket map, Relief shown by hachures., Includes a table of useful Persian, Arabic and Turkish words., Main Herita ...
هي خريطة لفارس، الجزيرة العربية، كابول ،افغانستان. الخريطة ملونة دقيقة تشمل المناطق المذكورة، وتشمل الاجزاء الشرقية من مصر. وقد ذكر اسم قطر في الخريطة باسم كاتارا، ...
Main Heritage Compact General, HC.MAP.00905, Print Map, Item-ID: i25696178, BIB-ID: 2726948
published, Taunton, 14th Jan 1972.Under the Superintendence of Rear- Admiral G. P.D. Hall, Hydrographer of the Navy., Depths shown by bathymetric isolines and soundings., Includes notes and conversion and tidal tables., Selected lights shown in purple., "Crown copyright 1974.", Main Heritage Compact ...
from the latest information in the Hydrographic Department to 1967 ; published at the Admiralty, 14th April 1939. Under the Superintendence of Vice Admiral J. A. Edgell, Hydrographer, Relief shown by spot heights and hachures. Depths shown by bathymetric isolines and soundings., Includes notes, conv ...
Relief shown pictorially and with isolines, Numbered 14., Shows coastal settlements., Published by Harrison as part of an apparently untitled general atlas., Main Heritage Compact General, HC.MAP.00423, Print Map, Item-ID: i23872342, BIB-ID: 1525313, Persian Gulf.