Title | Twelve years' military adventure in three quarters of the globe: or Memoirs of an officer who served in the armies of His Majesty and of the East India Company between the years 1802 and 1814 in which are contained the campaigns of the Duke of Wellington in India and his last in Spain and the south of France |
Subject | |
Publisher | H. Colburn |
Contributor | Blakiston John 1785-1867 |
Date | 1829 |
Format | print, 2 v. ; 22 cm. |
Identifier | QNL:00013540 lccn: 04028751 oclc: 653330 |
Language | eng |
Relation | Twelve years' military adventure in three quarters of the globe--(OCoLC)657025603 |
Coverage | India |
Reference | Catalogue Link |