Sectio prior: Ipsam historiam. Cum tribus. Insertarum ibi narrationum. Notisque necessariis -- Sectio posterior: Octo reliquias narrationes. Libello Arabico insertas. Cum notis. Additamentis et indice., ex Arabico in Latinum conversa., This is an early edition of the "Bakhtiyar Namah", or "History of the Ten Viziers" (an offshoot story of the 1001 Arabian Nights, in which the Arabic version of the tale is sometimes included). It was produced by the Swedish Royal Academy to provide Gustaf Knöss 1807 edition of the Arabic text with a Latin translation and textual apparatus., Main Heritage Shelves General, PJ7571 .B34 1815, Book, Item-ID: i19660121, BIB-ID: 1779898 |