Title | Through Asiatic Turkey: narrative of a journey from Bombay to the Bosphorus |
Subject | |
Description | by Grattan Geary., Main Heritage Shelves General, DS48.5 .G43 1878 vol.1, Book, vol.1, Item-ID: i10230609, BIB-ID: 1024696 |
Publisher | S. Low Marston Searle & Rivington |
Contributor | Geary Grattan. |
Date | 1878 |
Format | microfilm, microform, microform, microfilm reel, 2 volumes : illustrations, plates, folded map ; 19 cm, microform, microfilm reel |
Identifier | QNL:00048865 lccn: 04012282 oclc: 42667504 |
Language | eng |
Coverage | Middle East, Turkey |
Reference | Catalogue Link |