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541 - 552 of 1311
Bottom righthand corner below border: "VIII", Main Heritage Compact General, HC.MAP.00256, Print Map, Item-ID: i23808615, BIB-ID: 2533519
Bottom righthand corner below border "XXXI", Main Heritage Compact General, HC.MAP.00258, Print Map, Item-ID: i23808755, BIB-ID: 2533537
Military topographic map, Relief shown by contour lines, hachures, spot heights, and shading., Sheet 3, "Libya. Two of three military map series on Libya, showing Garian and Zauia. Prepared by: Istituto Geografico Militare (Italy) Dated: 1913.", Main Heritage Compact General, HC.MAP.00527.002, Print ...
Shows roads and distances between locations, With inset maps of Faiyum, Minya, Suez,, Main Heritage Compact General, HC.MAP.01260, Print Map, Item-ID: i24442082, BIB-ID: 2597146
Nach den besten Karten und neuesten Nachrichten Verfasst von Don Lopez Y Vargas & Geographen des Koenigs in Spanien & Neu herausgegeben von Herrn F.A. Schraembl, Main Heritage Compact General, HC.MAP.00712, Print Map, Item-ID: i24505468, BIB-ID: 2622213
Gentium et exercituum itinera, et in Aegyptum et ex Aegypto, ante Persicam dominationem. Fol. VIII [up r. h.]. A Military chart of Arabia. Marked with descriptive lines. Key note in colour in low r. h. No scale. Size: 38 x 46.30 cm. Published in 1827. Coloured. Latin. Note: Cover of the Atlas ...
Autore N. Sanson., Relief shown pictorially., Map of the former Roman empire showing the patriarchates., Includes title in the decorative cartouche to the upper right., Includes inset map of the wanderings of the Israelites in the desert to the lower left., Main Heritage Compact General, HC.MAP.0028 ...
compiled by U.S. Geological Survey and the Arabian American Oil Company for the Deputy Ministry for Mineral Resources., "A.H. 1405.", Relief shown by satellite imagery and spot heights. Depths shown by gradient tints and contours., "Image of land surface from mosaic of computer enhanced Landsat MSS ...
ex Bilibaldi Pirckeymberi tralatione, sed ad Graeca & prisca exemplaria à Michaele Villanovano secundò recogniti, & locis innumeris denuò castigati. Excudebat Gaspar Trechsel., This is among early woodblock map of Persia.Gothic bastard lettering used, names underlined by red. Towns repres ...
Gravée par Thierry., Relief shown by hachures, Main Heritage Compact General, HC.MAP.00210, Print Map, Item-ID: i17066530, BIB-ID: 1172646
Copper engraving, hand colored., Relief shown by hachures., Title printed on tent with scene of a shepherd boy, a flock of sheep and two camels., Map shows the Middle East, Arabian Peninsula, Red Sea, Persian Gulf at the time of the Canaanites before the appearance of the Hebrews., "Gravee par Chamo ...
Gravée par Thierry., Relief shown by hachures, Main Heritage Compact General, HC.MAP.01065, Print Map, Item-ID: i11403032, BIB-ID: 1172646