by Edgar James Banks, Ph. D., field director of the expedition of the Oriental Exploration Fund of the University of Chicago to Babylonia ; with... Show moreby Edgar James Banks, Ph. D., field director of the expedition of the Oriental Exploration Fund of the University of Chicago to Babylonia ; with 174 illustrations. "Dr. Banks is solely responsible for all statements made in this volume."--Pref. Includes index. Main Heritage Shelves General DS70.5.A43 B36 1912 Book Item-ID: i10066561 BIB-ID: 1008292 Also available on the Internet via the University of Chicago Electronic Open Stacks (EOS) Project. Show less
Cartography by Arthur Banks. Main Heritage Compact General G1030 .G5 1969 Reference Item-ID: i15715243 BIB-ID: 1013356 Bibliography: p. [126-131]. Show moreCartography by Arthur Banks. Main Heritage Compact General G1030 .G5 1969 Reference Item-ID: i15715243 BIB-ID: 1013356 Bibliography: p. [126-131]. Show less