By Archibald J. Dunn. [Aus: Overs. over d.K.D. Vidensk. Selsk. Forh. 1877]. Show moreBy Archibald J. Dunn. [Aus: Overs. over d.K.D. Vidensk. Selsk. Forh. 1877]. Show less
By Samuel Dunn, Mathematician. Qatar as placename "Catura" is on the map Relief shown by hachures Prime meridian: Ferro هي خريطة للجزيرة العربية،حسب... Show moreBy Samuel Dunn, Mathematician. Qatar as placename "Catura" is on the map Relief shown by hachures Prime meridian: Ferro هي خريطة للجزيرة العربية،حسب تقاسيمها الحديثة، تشمل الخريطة شبة الجزيرة العربية ،وتظهر فيها الموانيء العربية،الصحراء العربية، ضفاف اللولو في الخليج ،تم تحديد حدود الجزيرة العربية باللون الاحمر،ذكر اسم قطر في الخريطة كاتارا ،غير ملونة، باللغة الانجليزية طبعت سنة 1794 م. The map covers Arabian peninsula divided into Arabia Petrae, Arabia Deserta and Arabia Foelix. Pearl banks in the Persian Gulf. Borders of Arabia coloured in red. Scale: Arabian Miles 56,1/3 in a degree, 250. Turkish Miles 87,1/2 in a degree, 400. Parasangs of Persia 18,3/4 in a degree, 90. British Miles 69,1/2 in a degree, 350. Main Heritage Compact General HC.MAP.00121 Print Map Item-ID: i23183226 BIB-ID: 1172499 Show less
being a work originally begun upon the plan of the Oriental Neptune, augmented and improved by Mr. Willm. Herbert, Mr. Willm. Nichelson, and others... Show morebeing a work originally begun upon the plan of the Oriental Neptune, augmented and improved by Mr. Willm. Herbert, Mr. Willm. Nichelson, and others; and now methodised, corrected, and further enlarged, by Samuel Dunn. Show less