Assisted by V.M. Boulter. Issued under the auspices of the Royal Institute of International Affairs. Main Heritage Compact General D442 .S8 1936 Book I... Show moreAssisted by V.M. Boulter. Issued under the auspices of the Royal Institute of International Affairs. Main Heritage Compact General D442 .S8 1936 Book Item-ID: i25915320 BIB-ID: 2757026 Show less
Part I. World Affairs -- A. Disarmament and Security -- The general treaty, signed in paris on the 27th august, 1928, for the renunciation of war -... Show morePart I. World Affairs -- A. Disarmament and Security -- The general treaty, signed in paris on the 27th august, 1928, for the renunciation of war - (a) the institution of war - (b) the movement of public opinion - (c) the negotiation of the treaty - (d) the passage of the bill for the construction of cruisers through the congress at washington - (e) the ratification by the united states of the general treaty for the renunciation of war -- The preparatory commission for the disarmament conference - (a) the work of the commission from april 1927 to september 1928 - (b) the anglo-french compromise on the limitation of armaments -- The work of the league of nations security commission (1927-8) - table showing expenditure on armaments of various countries -- B. The Constitution and Membership of the League of Nations -- Introductory note -- The composition of the council -- The question of the functions of the permament mandates commission -- The personnel of the secretariat of the league of nations -- The budget of the league of nations -- Part II. South-Eastern Europe -- Italy and south-eastern europe - (a) the foreign policy of italy - (b) relations between italy and jugoslavia - (c) relations between italy, turkey, and greece -- The incident arising out of the discovery on the 1st january, 1928, of a consignment of machine-gun parts at szent gotthard on the austro-hungarian frontier -- The controversy over the optants in the ex-hungarian territories of rumania -- Negotiations between greece and jugoslavia over facilities at the port of salonica -- Part III. The Islamic World -- A. The "Westernization Movement" (1926-8) -- Introductory note -- The situation of foreigners -- The situation of minorities -- The emancipation of women -- Dress -- Religion -- Literature and art -- The adoption of the latin in place of the arabic alphabet in turkey and in the turkish states members of the u.s.s.r. (1918-28) -- B. The Middle East -- Relations between egypt and great britain (1926-8) -- The delimitation of the frontier between italian libya and egypt -- Relations of the kingdom of najd-hij塺 with great britain and with the arab countries under british mandate or aegis (1926-8) -- The relations of the zaydi imam of san'a with great britain and with italy (1926-8) -- Relations between ibn sa'ud, the idrisi sayyid of sabya, and the saydi imam of san'a (1926-8) -- The signature of an agreement between his britannic majesty and his highness and the amir of transjordan on the 20th february, 1928 -- The suppression of the insurrection in the french mandated territory and the consequences on the border between jabalu'd-duruz and transjordan (1926-8) -- The franco-turkish controversy over the delimitation of the syro-turkish frontier after the signature of the 'de jouvenel agreement' on the 30th may, 1926 - note on the delimitation of the turco-'iraqi frontier -- The regulation of the frontier between 'iraq and syria (1926-8) -- The signature of a treaty between great britain and 'iraq on the 14th december, 1927 -- Perso-'iraqi relations (1926-8) -- Relations between persia and the western powers (1926-8) -- Relations of turkey, persia, and afghanistan with the u.s.s.r. and the one another (1926-8) -- Part IV. China -- The end of the civil war between the kuomintang and the ankuoch赮 (coalition of northern tuch赮s) and the beginning of reconstruction - (a) the campaign of 1928 - (b) the situation at the close of the civil war between the kuomingtang and the ankuoch赮 - (c) the beginning of reconstruction - note on the importation of arms and munitions into china from abroad, 1919-29; and on the arrival of colonel bauer in china in the autumn of 1928 - (d) the policy of the kuomintang government at nanking towards the china maritime customs and the salt gabelle -- Relations between china and foreign powers - (a) the despatch of japanese defence forces to the tsingtao-tsinanfu railway zone in 1927 and 1928 and the tsinanfu incident of may 1928 - (b) the settlement of the nanking incident of the 24th march, 1927, as between the kuomintang government and the governments of the united states, great britain, france, and italy - (c) the progress of treaty revision and the recognition of the kuomintang government of the chinese republic at nanking by foreign powers - (d) the economic rivalry between the chinese, japanese, and russians in manchuria -- Appendices -- Treaty between his britannic majesty and his majesty the king of the hijaz and of najd and its dependencies, signed at jiddah, 20th may, 1927 -- Treaty between his britannic majesty and his majesty the king of 'iraq, signed in london, the 14th december, 1927 -- Chronology of events and treaties, 1st january-31st december, 1928 -- Maps: -- North and Central Arabia -- The Islamic world at the 31st December, 1925 -- China -- Manchurian railways -- The world on Mollweide's projection Assisted by V.M. Boulter. Issued under the auspices of the Royal Institute of International Affairs. Main Heritage Compact General D442 .S8 1928 Book Item-ID: i25915186 BIB-ID: 2757022 Includes bibliographical references. Show less
Eastern question, Politics and government, DR476 .T69 1917
by Arnold J. Toynbee, with a preface by Viscount Bryce. Main Heritage Shelves General DR476 .T69 1917 Book Item-ID: i10213648 BIB-ID: 1023000 Also issued... Show moreby Arnold J. Toynbee, with a preface by Viscount Bryce. Main Heritage Shelves General DR476 .T69 1917 Book Item-ID: i10213648 BIB-ID: 1023000 Also issued online. Show less
Main Heritage Compact General Book vol. 3 Item-ID: i20343310 BIB-ID: 1006190 Show moreMain Heritage Compact General Book vol. 3 Item-ID: i20343310 BIB-ID: 1006190 Show less
International relations, World politics, World politics--20th century, D843 .S8x 1934
by Arnold J. Toynbee ; assisted by V.M. Boulter. "Issued under the auspices of the Royal Institute of International Affairs." Includes... Show moreby Arnold J. Toynbee ; assisted by V.M. Boulter. "Issued under the auspices of the Royal Institute of International Affairs." Includes bibliographical references. Show less
Main Heritage Compact General Book v.1 Item-ID: i15531429 BIB-ID: 1006190 Show moreMain Heritage Compact General Book v.1 Item-ID: i15531429 BIB-ID: 1006190 Show less