This work is sometimes attributed to François-Savinien d'Alquié, who writes his personal dedication of the book -appearing as D.S.A. at the end of... Show moreThis work is sometimes attributed to François-Savinien d'Alquié, who writes his personal dedication of the book -appearing as D.S.A. at the end of the dedication-, to Monseigneur le comte de S. Paul. Howewer, as for the authorship, there is a French hand-written note on a small label on the pastedown of the cover which indicates "Cet ouvrage ne doit être attribué // ni à de Saint-Adon comme le dit Mr. // de Bertoil, Topograph de Tyr, // p. 28, not. 1, ni à Balthazar de // Bonnecourse au nom duquel il est porté // dans la biog. univ. de Michand. // ll est du P. Nau qui le revendique // formellement à la fin du 4e liv. de son Voyage // nouveau de la Terre Sainte, édon. de 1679". The catalog of the Bibliothèque nationale de France also attributes him as the author. [D.S.A]. Xilographic ornament in title page. Some initials in woodcut. Signatures: ã⁸ A⁸ B⁴ C⁸ D⁴ E⁸ F⁴ G⁸ H⁴ I⁸ K⁴ L⁸ M⁴ N⁸ O⁴ P⁸ Q⁴ R⁸ S⁴ T⁸ V⁴ X⁶ Y⁶ Main Heritage Shelves General DS106 .N38 1670 Book Item-ID: i21454437 BIB-ID: 1883936 Show less
Relief shown pictorially Placenames on the map are in Latin and Spanish, descriptive text on verso in German Main Heritage Compact General HC.MAP.00682 ... Show moreRelief shown pictorially Placenames on the map are in Latin and Spanish, descriptive text on verso in German Main Heritage Compact General HC.MAP.00682 Print Map Item-ID: i24502273 BIB-ID: 2622070 Show less