Photograph album apparently assembled by a French military officer based in Syria in the first period of the French Mandate in Syria and Lebanon ... Show morePhotograph album apparently assembled by a French military officer based in Syria in the first period of the French Mandate in Syria and Lebanon (1923-1946), during the handover period from Turkish to French control. Photographs show Turkish and French officers during their recreational activities, visiting ancient sites, Damascus and other cities or sailing to Egypt and Istanbul. Snapshots include the daily lives of the families of the French officers. The French Mandate of Syria was a League of Nations mandate founded after World War I and the partitioning of the Ottoman Empire. During the two years that followed the end of the war in 1918 and in accordance with the Sykes-Picot Agreement that was signed between Britain and France during the war, the French controlled most of Ottoman Syria (modern Syria, Lebanon, Alexandretta) and other portions of southeastern Turkey. In the early 1920s, the French control of these territories became formalized by the League of Nations mandate system, and France was assigned the mandate of Syria on 29 September 1923. Title and date devised by Library staff. Photographs are pasted into the album. Prints are not captioned. Main Heritage Compact General HC.HP.2017.0227 2-D Graphic Item-ID: i24495189 BIB-ID: 2558746 Show less
France. Armée., Armies--Officers, Antiquities, History
The album collects photographs related to the Aerial Photography Section of the French Army of the Levant based in Rue Gouraud, in Gemmayzeh,... Show moreThe album collects photographs related to the Aerial Photography Section of the French Army of the Levant based in Rue Gouraud, in Gemmayzeh, Beirut. Images depict the Section's office and group portraits snapshots. There are street scenes in Beirut and cityscapes with architectures in Damascus as well as antiquities in Baalbeck. In addition, there are aerial views of Syria and Lebanon. Title and date devised by Library staff. Photographs (ranging from 5 x 5.5 cm to 11 x 16 cm) are pasted into the album pages and seldomly captioned with pencil below the print, on the mount. Main Heritage Compact General HC.HP.2016.0025 2-D Graphic Item-ID: i23113960 BIB-ID: 2450450 Show less
Aṭrash, Sulṭān , 1891-1982, Armies--Officers, Mandates, Mandates--Syria, French, French--Syria, History
Personal album belonging to and compiled by the French officer Roger Labbé, while serving in the in Syria and Lebanon in 1926. The album consist of... Show morePersonal album belonging to and compiled by the French officer Roger Labbé, while serving in the in Syria and Lebanon in 1926. The album consist of 32 photographs showing leaders, events and places related to the Great Druze Revolt, the general uprising that took place between 1925 and 1927 across Mandatory Syria and Lebanon, aimed at ending French rule who had in control of the region since the end of World War I. The album also includes 21 personal photographs of the officer with his companions. Finally there are 37 postcards from various city: 8 of Wiesbaden, 2 of Mayence, 1 of Bonn, 1 of Coblence, 2 of the ship SPHINX of the Messageries Maritimes, 1 of Marseille, 2 of Naples, 1 of Alexandria (with text, dated), 6 of Beirut, 7 of Damascus, 2 of Istanbul, 3 of Alep, and 1 of Athens. Soltan Attrache. Tribus druzes avec leurs fanions (14/8/1925); Quartier-général de Soltan Attrache; Soltan Attrache, sa famille, ses amis; Cavaliers druzes en patrouille; En colonne. Chars d'assaut Renault (1925); Rachaya. Aux murs de la citadelle. Après les combats. Inspection du colonel Lobez du 6e Spahis (novembre 1925); Rachaya. Cadavres de chevaux et de bédouins (novembre 1925); Rachaya. La cour intérieure après le combat. Inspection du colonel Lobez du 6e Spahis (novembre 1925); Maidan. Cadavres bédouins étendus après un combat; Bosra-Eski-Cham. La citadelle; Bosra-Eski-Cham. Femmes revenant de la source; Bosra-Eski-Cham. Les 4 colonnes; Vues de Bosra-Eski-Cham (canon, citadelle en flamme, tanks Renault chargés sur des camions, cadavres de bédouins après la bataille; Bosra-Eski-Cham. La citadelle; Les colonnes de Baalbeck; Types bédouins (Palmyre, méharistes français, gendarmes libanais, supplétifs druzes); Colonne. Convoi chamelier; Soueida. Vue générale; Soueida. La citadelle; La colonne en marche vers Chabaa; Vue de la colonne; Prise de Chabaa (10 mai 1926); Salkhad. Ville druze; En colonne. Prise de Salkhad. Canon de 75; Soldats français morts à Salkhad. (Tombe d'Arthur Loulergue du 9e RI, originaire de Saint-Maurice-le-Girard (Vendée), tué le 2 juin 1926); Bosra-Eski-Cham. Retour de la colonne de Salkhad, 8 juillet 1926; Damas. Place Mergé (foule assistant à une pendaison publique de 3 rebelles; Damas. Chefs bédouins pendus place Mergé; Damas. Place Mergé. Les cadavres bédouins; Damas. Bandits de la Goutha. Jardins de Damas; Damas. État-major; Soumissions de tribus druzes. Remise des armes; 31e section de Commis et Ouvriers d’Administration (COA), de Mayence (Allemagne); Caserne de la 31e section de COA, à Mayence (Allemagne); R. Labbé 31e section de COA « Souvenir de notre départ en Syrie, le 23/3/26 »; R. Labbé et deux tirailleurs « souvenir de mon départ de Soueïda, le 27/5/26, et d’un ancien qui compte 95 au jus » ); R. Labbé et tirailleurs en Syrie; R. Labbé et autres militaires en Syrie; compagnons de R. Labbé en Syrie; R. Labbé et autres militaires. Bivouac dans le Djebel. Mule (8/7/26) (2 exemplaires); R. Labbé et autres militaires. Bivouac dans le Djebel. Dromadaire (2 exemplaires); Bivouac dans le Djebel entre Nassar et Souïeda, juillet 1926. "L’île du repos" (3 exemplaires); Bivouac dans le Djebel entre Nassar et Souïeda, 29 juillet 1926. R. Labbé; R. Labbé et compagnons 31e COA, en tenue de boucher; R. Labbé, photo-montage « encore 35 jours ». Title and date devised from item. 30 photographs are captioned in pen on the album pages, while the rest is described on the verso. Some of the postcards were stamped and signed. Main Heritage Office General HC.HP.2017.0274 2-D Graphic Item-ID: i24545624 BIB-ID: 2622506 Show less
Great Britain. Army. Royal Army Medical Corps, Armies--Officers, Armies--Officers--Photographs, Railroads, World War, 1914-1918--Campaigns, World War, 1914-1918--Campaigns--Arab countries--Palestine
Photograph albums belonging to the British medical officer Edward Guest, who served in the 2/1st East Anglian Field Ambulance, part of the 54th... Show morePhotograph albums belonging to the British medical officer Edward Guest, who served in the 2/1st East Anglian Field Ambulance, part of the 54th Division’s Royal Army Medical Corps in the Territorial Force. The first album is titled “photographs of the Suez Canal Zone. April 1916 to Xmas 1916”; the second “contains views of the advance made by the British across the Sin[ai] desert into Palestine 1917–18”. Among the diverse subjects are: the Canal and its environs, the officers and men of the Field Ambulance, railways, trenches, fortifications, and tent camps (with scenes of camp life), an Indian camel corps and transport camels used as ambulances, fishing from pontoon bridges, as well as views of the desert, an expedition into Sinai, shell-shocked men in Gaza, the ruins of shelled buildings, soldiers laying telegraph wires (by camel) and making a railway cutting, a railway accident, a cannon captured from the Turkish army, irrigation pumps and vegetation in Palestine. Portraits of local men and women, market scenes and merchants, grilling camel flesh. Ultimately, street scenes in Jerusalem, views of the Old City, of the Mosque of Omar, and Jericho. Title and date from item. Photographs, mostly 6 x 8 cm, are set in window pages (square and round ones) and generally manuscript captioned in white and yellow paint. Main Heritage Compact General HC.HP.2018.0228.02 2-D Graphic Item-ID: i25174496 BIB-ID: 2624725 Show less
Great Britain. Army. Royal Army Medical Corps, Armies--Officers, Armies--Officers--Photographs, Railroads, World War, 1914-1918--Campaigns, World War, 1914-1918--Campaigns--Arab countries--Palestine
Photograph albums belonging to the British medical officer Edward Guest, who served in the 2/1st East Anglian Field Ambulance, part of the 54th... Show morePhotograph albums belonging to the British medical officer Edward Guest, who served in the 2/1st East Anglian Field Ambulance, part of the 54th Division’s Royal Army Medical Corps in the Territorial Force. The first album is titled “photographs of the Suez Canal Zone. April 1916 to Xmas 1916”; the second “contains views of the advance made by the British across the Sin[ai] desert into Palestine 1917–18”. Among the diverse subjects are: the Canal and its environs, the officers and men of the Field Ambulance, railways, trenches, fortifications, and tent camps (with scenes of camp life), an Indian camel corps and transport camels used as ambulances, fishing from pontoon bridges, as well as views of the desert, an expedition into Sinai, shell-shocked men in Gaza, the ruins of shelled buildings, soldiers laying telegraph wires (by camel) and making a railway cutting, a railway accident, a cannon captured from the Turkish army, irrigation pumps and vegetation in Palestine. Portraits of local men and women, market scenes and merchants, grilling camel flesh. Ultimately, street scenes in Jerusalem, views of the Old City, of the Mosque of Omar, and Jericho. Title and date from item. Photographs, mostly 6 x 8 cm, are set in window pages (square and round ones) and generally manuscript captioned in white and yellow paint. Main Heritage Compact General HC.HP.2018.0228.01 2-D Graphic Item-ID: i25174435 BIB-ID: 2624725 Show less
France. Armée de l'air., Archaeological sites--Antiquities, Archaeological sites--Antiquities--Photographs, Armies--Officers, History
Amateur album compiled documenting a journey from Palestine to Syria. In Palestine, there are views of Jerusalem, Nazareth, Tabgha and the Sea of... Show moreAmateur album compiled documenting a journey from Palestine to Syria. In Palestine, there are views of Jerusalem, Nazareth, Tabgha and the Sea of Galilee, Capernaum and Mont Thabor. Photographs in Syria are mostly related to Raqqa and show the Old City, the Serail, the Baghdad Gate, wells, the Euphrates, ancient Roman ruins in Al Resafa, the Qal'at Ja'bar. as well as local people and costumes, including a marriage. Some aerial views of the city and of the military base of the 7th squadron of the 39th French Aviation Regiment. Title and date from item. Photographs (format 9 x 12 cm) are captioned in pencil by the author. Main Heritage Compact General HC.HP.2018.0248 2-D Graphic Item-ID: i25234419 BIB-ID: 2686967 Show less
Archaeological sites--Antiquities, Archaeological sites--Antiquities--Photographs, Armies--Officers, History
Amateur photograph album collecting photographs taken by French Lieutenant Marty and his comrades between 1921 and 1922 in Syria, Lebanon and... Show moreAmateur photograph album collecting photographs taken by French Lieutenant Marty and his comrades between 1921 and 1922 in Syria, Lebanon and Palestine. Images show antiquities, architectures, public executions and portraits of local people and French military officers. Title and date form item. Photographs (6 x 8,5 cm) are captioned in pen by the author. Main Heritage Compact General HC.HP.2018.0245 2-D Graphic Item-ID: i25233853 BIB-ID: 2686968 Show less