All laid down by actual survey with the largest an most perfect instruments now in use by his Majestys most dutiful and faithful subject and &... Show moreAll laid down by actual survey with the largest an most perfect instruments now in use by his Majestys most dutiful and faithful subject and & servant James Bruce. Relief shown pictorially Includes insets of the harbor of Rabac, Ibraim, Sebt and the island and harbor of Masuah. Prime meridian: Greenwich Main Heritage Compact General HC.MAP.00444 Print Map Item-ID: i2419007x BIB-ID: 2562088 Show less
by C.F.U. Meek. Main Heritage Compact General SF338 .M44 1907 Book Item-ID: i17126393 BIB-ID: 1531093 Show moreby C.F.U. Meek. Main Heritage Compact General SF338 .M44 1907 Book Item-ID: i17126393 BIB-ID: 1531093 Show less