Horseshoeing, Horseshoeing--Early works to 1800, Horses--Diseases, Horsemanship, SF285 .S68 1696
by the Sieur de Solleysell, querry to the present French King for his Great Horses, and one of the Royal Academy of Paris ; to which is added, a... Show moreby the Sieur de Solleysell, querry to the present French King for his Great Horses, and one of the Royal Academy of Paris ; to which is added, a most excellent supplement of riding, collected from the best authors, with an alphabetical catalogue of all the physical simples in English, French, and Latin, by Sir William Hope, Kt. Deputy-Lieutenant of the Castle of Edinburgh. Translation of the author's : Le parfait mareschal. With frontis. portrait (plate) of the author. With additional engraved title pages (plates) for parts 1 and 2. "A supplement of horsemanship, to the first part of The parfait mareschal or the most Compendious and Excellent Treatise of riding. Whereby all kinds of horses may be wrought according to Nature, and Perfected by the subtility of Art. Being a Collection, taken from the Best and most Modern Writers upon that Subject. The whole Collected and Methodized by Sir William Hope of Kirklistoun, Kt. Lieutenant Governour of the Castle of Edinburgh" has separate undated title page, with imprint "Printed at Edinburgh", pagination and register. Part 1 is a reissue, with cancel t.p., of the sheets of the Edinburgh edition with title: The parfait mareschal or Compleat farrier. Part 2, "The compleat horseman. Part I." (caption title), has separate pagination and register. Main Heritage Shelves General SF285 .S68 1696 Book Item-ID: i21528615 BIB-ID: 1981958 Includes indexes. Show less
Horses, Horses--Diseases, Horsemanship, Médecine vétérinaire--Ouvrages avant 1800, Cheval--Ouvrages avant 1800, Cheval--Maladies--Ouvrages avant 1800, Équitation--Ouvrages avant 1800, SF285 .S65 1733
par le Sieur De Solleysel, escuyer. 18th century edition of this work first published in 1664. Jacques de Solleysel, Sieur du Clapier (1617-80), was... Show morepar le Sieur De Solleysel, escuyer. 18th century edition of this work first published in 1664. Jacques de Solleysel, Sieur du Clapier (1617-80), was a "célèbre écuyer et hippiàtre français, [...] fils dun officier des Gendarmes Ecoissais [...] Solleysel était un homme instruit, dun esprit distingué et dun commerce agréable. Il avait de nombreux amis et sa compagnie était recherchée par ses contemporains. Il était bon musicien et avait un certain talent de peinture et de dessein. Cest lui, dailleurs, qui a dessiné et signé le joli frontispice de son Parfait Maréchal Il est probablement aussi lauteur des pl. et fig. qui ornent cet ouvrage" (Mennessier de la L. II, 524). The engravings show a rising horse with the various parts of the body referenced by page-number, a numbered view of a horse, and a horse skeleton in whole and parts. The text woodcuts are "3 fig. de fers, 17 fig. de canons de mors et 8 fig. de branches" (ibid.). Ms. ownership note "Luigi Mannucci" (c. 1850) on front flyleaf. Avis au lecteur, tables des matières. Main Heritage Shelves General SF285 .S65 1733 Book Item-ID: i16220584 BIB-ID: 1463240 Show less
Extract from Notices et extraits des manuscrits de la Bibliothèque impériale et autres bibliothèque Text in French and Arabic Main Heritage Shelves... Show moreExtract from Notices et extraits des manuscrits de la Bibliothèque impériale et autres bibliothèque Text in French and Arabic Main Heritage Shelves General QA77 .T76 1874 Book Item-ID: i24490052 BIB-ID: 2619065 Show less