pt. I. v. 1-2. The histories of prophets, kings, and khalifs.--pt. II. v. 1-2. The life of Muhammad the apostle of Allah.--pt. II. v. 3. The lives... Show morept. I. v. 1-2. The histories of prophets, kings, and khalifs.--pt. II. v. 1-2. The life of Muhammad the apostle of Allah.--pt. II. v. 3. The lives of Abu Bakr, O'mar, O'thmân, and A'li, the four immediate successors of Muhammad the apostle. By Muhammad bin Khâvendshâh bin Mahmûd, commonly called Mirkhond. Translated from the original Persian by E. Rehatsek, and called by him ʻSacred and profane history according to the Moslem belief.' Edited by F.F. Arbuthnot. On spine, pt. I (v.1-2) 1892 ; pt. II (v.1-3) 1893. Show less