Om "Hestetugt .. og om årsagerne til dens datidige forfald med forslag til genopretning .." 1754 (2. oplag 1770) af J. C. Zehentner - kgl.... Show moreOm "Hestetugt .. og om årsagerne til dens datidige forfald med forslag til genopretning .." 1754 (2. oplag 1770) af J. C. Zehentner - kgl. preussisk staldmester, direktør for ride-akademierne i Berlin og Frankfurt/Oder. First edition. The author "seems to have been a good horseman" (cf. Schrader/H.). II: "A curious treatise on shooting with the shotgun divided into XX chapters, of which chapter XIX is interesting. p. 180, biography of St. Sebastian, and pp. 182-186 shooting song" (Schwerdt). III: First edition of these hunting instructions, finely illustrated with pictures of cages, bird-catching methods, etc. The second part contains Hohbergs "Waidmannschafft durchs gantze Jahr" with an addition. Slightly browned throughout. A very appealing, well-preserved sammelband from the library of Count Joseph de La Rosée with his autogr. ownership on the flyleaf. Later in the "Bibliotheca Tiliana" of the hunting collector Kurt Lindner (1906-87) with his bookplate on the pastedown. I: Huth 36. Schrader/H. 1987. Main Heritage Shelves General SF291 .K87 1754 Book Item-ID: i16220638 BIB-ID: 1463245 Show less