Ioan Antonii Viperani. Main Heritage Shelves General DG992.6 .V57 1567 Book Item-ID: i2195902x BIB-ID: 2346871 Show moreIoan Antonii Viperani. Main Heritage Shelves General DG992.6 .V57 1567 Book Item-ID: i2195902x BIB-ID: 2346871 Show less
di Cesare Campana. Printer's device on the title page. Woodcut initials, head pieces. Italic type. First edition of Campana's "Historical Compendium of... Show moredi Cesare Campana. Printer's device on the title page. Woodcut initials, head pieces. Italic type. First edition of Campana's "Historical Compendium of the Latest Wars between Christians and Turks and Persians". After a biographical overview of the ruling house of Ottoman Turkey (the folding plates offers a genealogical table of the ruling Ottoman dynasty from Soliman to Mehmed III). Camapna details the armed conflicts carried out in the course of the Ottoman-Safavid War (1577-90) between Safavid Persia under Mohammed Khodabanda (and later Abbas I) and the Ottoman Empire under Murad III. The Ottomans had started the war with the objective of conquering Azerbaijan and the Caucasus, and they effectively came to rule over those areas as far as the Caspian Sea. A peace of Istanbul was concluded in 1590, in which Persia confirmed these Ottoman conquests and promised to end Shiite propaganda in Ottoman territories and persecution of Sunnis in her own lands. The advent of the Ottoman-Safavid war temporarily deflected Ottoman interest from European affairs, where the Ottoman Empire had been active with the Franco-Ottoman alliance and the support of the Dutch Revolt, in an interesting episode of mutually-supportive relations between Islam and Protestantism. - The volume's second part is dedicated to the Turkish Wars in Hungary and Transylvania during the 1590s; the end is brought up by a chronicle of events in Turkish history from 1257 to 1596. - Inkstains to title page; faint waterstain throughout; occasional worming restored (no loss to text). Main Heritage Shelves General DB924 .C36 1597 Book Item-ID: i16817308 BIB-ID: 1507109 Show less