World history, World history--Early works to 1800, World history, History, History early, DS38.2 .T33 1879, 909
Prima series, I / recensuit J. Barth ; II / recensuerunt J. Barth et Th. Nöldeke -- III / recensuit P. de Jong -- IV / recensuerunt P. de Jong et E... Show morePrima series, I / recensuit J. Barth ; II / recensuerunt J. Barth et Th. Nöldeke -- III / recensuit P. de Jong -- IV / recensuerunt P. de Jong et E. Prym -- V / recensuit E. Prym -- VI / recensuit E. Prym -- Seconda Series, I / recensuerunt H. horbecke, S. Fraenket et I. Guidi -- II / recensuit I. Guidi -- III / recensuerunt I. Guidi, D.H. Müller et M.J. de Goeje -- Tertia series, I / recensuerunt M.Th. Houtsma et S. Guyard -- II / recensuerunt S. Guyard et M.J. de Goeje -- III / recensuerunt V. Rosen et M.J. de Goeje -- IV / recensuit M.J. de Goeje -- Indices -- Introductio, glossarium, addenda et emendanda quos scripsit Abu Djafar Mohammed ibn Djarir at-Tabari ; cum aliis edidit M.J. de Goeje Text in Arabic. The "Annales" are divided into 3 series, consisting of 6, 3 and 4 volumes respectively. Vols. [14] and [15] are "Indices" and "Introductio, glossarium, addenda et emendanda" Main Heritage Shelves General DS38.2 .T33 1879 Book part 3 vol.4 Item-ID: i22330264 BIB-ID: 2386518 Also issued online. Arabic text with introduction in Latin, English and German, notes in Latin. Show less
World history, World history--Early works to 1800, World history, History, History early, DS38.2 .T33 1879, 909
Prima series, I / recensuit J. Barth ; II / recensuerunt J. Barth et Th. Nöldeke -- III / recensuit P. de Jong -- IV / recensuerunt P. de Jong et E... Show morePrima series, I / recensuit J. Barth ; II / recensuerunt J. Barth et Th. Nöldeke -- III / recensuit P. de Jong -- IV / recensuerunt P. de Jong et E. Prym -- V / recensuit E. Prym -- VI / recensuit E. Prym -- Seconda Series, I / recensuerunt H. horbecke, S. Fraenket et I. Guidi -- II / recensuit I. Guidi -- III / recensuerunt I. Guidi, D.H. Müller et M.J. de Goeje -- Tertia series, I / recensuerunt M.Th. Houtsma et S. Guyard -- II / recensuerunt S. Guyard et M.J. de Goeje -- III / recensuerunt V. Rosen et M.J. de Goeje -- IV / recensuit M.J. de Goeje -- Indices -- Introductio, glossarium, addenda et emendanda quos scripsit Abu Djafar Mohammed ibn Djarir at-Tabari ; cum aliis edidit M.J. de Goeje Text in Arabic. The "Annales" are divided into 3 series, consisting of 6, 3 and 4 volumes respectively. Vols. [14] and [15] are "Indices" and "Introductio, glossarium, addenda et emendanda" Main Heritage Shelves General DS38.2 .T33 1879 Book part 3 vol.3 Item-ID: i22330252 BIB-ID: 2386518 Also issued online. Arabic text with introduction in Latin, English and German, notes in Latin. Show less
World history, World history--Early works to 1800, World history, History, History early, DS38.2 .T33 1879, 909
Prima series, I / recensuit J. Barth ; II / recensuerunt J. Barth et Th. Nöldeke -- III / recensuit P. de Jong -- IV / recensuerunt P. de Jong et E... Show morePrima series, I / recensuit J. Barth ; II / recensuerunt J. Barth et Th. Nöldeke -- III / recensuit P. de Jong -- IV / recensuerunt P. de Jong et E. Prym -- V / recensuit E. Prym -- VI / recensuit E. Prym -- Seconda Series, I / recensuerunt H. horbecke, S. Fraenket et I. Guidi -- II / recensuit I. Guidi -- III / recensuerunt I. Guidi, D.H. Müller et M.J. de Goeje -- Tertia series, I / recensuerunt M.Th. Houtsma et S. Guyard -- II / recensuerunt S. Guyard et M.J. de Goeje -- III / recensuerunt V. Rosen et M.J. de Goeje -- IV / recensuit M.J. de Goeje -- Indices -- Introductio, glossarium, addenda et emendanda quos scripsit Abu Djafar Mohammed ibn Djarir at-Tabari ; cum aliis edidit M.J. de Goeje Text in Arabic. The "Annales" are divided into 3 series, consisting of 6, 3 and 4 volumes respectively. Vols. [14] and [15] are "Indices" and "Introductio, glossarium, addenda et emendanda" Main Heritage Shelves General DS38.2 .T33 1879 Book part 1 vol.1 Item-ID: i22330112 BIB-ID: 2386518 Also issued online. Arabic text with introduction in Latin, English and German, notes in Latin. Show less
World history, World history--Early works to 1800, World history, History, History early, DS38.2 .T33 1879, 909
Prima series, I / recensuit J. Barth ; II / recensuerunt J. Barth et Th. Nöldeke -- III / recensuit P. de Jong -- IV / recensuerunt P. de Jong et E... Show morePrima series, I / recensuit J. Barth ; II / recensuerunt J. Barth et Th. Nöldeke -- III / recensuit P. de Jong -- IV / recensuerunt P. de Jong et E. Prym -- V / recensuit E. Prym -- VI / recensuit E. Prym -- Seconda Series, I / recensuerunt H. horbecke, S. Fraenket et I. Guidi -- II / recensuit I. Guidi -- III / recensuerunt I. Guidi, D.H. Müller et M.J. de Goeje -- Tertia series, I / recensuerunt M.Th. Houtsma et S. Guyard -- II / recensuerunt S. Guyard et M.J. de Goeje -- III / recensuerunt V. Rosen et M.J. de Goeje -- IV / recensuit M.J. de Goeje -- Indices -- Introductio, glossarium, addenda et emendanda quos scripsit Abu Djafar Mohammed ibn Djarir at-Tabari ; cum aliis edidit M.J. de Goeje Text in Arabic. The "Annales" are divided into 3 series, consisting of 6, 3 and 4 volumes respectively. Vols. [14] and [15] are "Indices" and "Introductio, glossarium, addenda et emendanda" Main Heritage Shelves General DS38.2 .T33 1879 Book index Item-ID: i22330288 BIB-ID: 2386518 Also issued online. Arabic text with introduction in Latin, English and German, notes in Latin. Show less
Madog ab Owain Gwynedd , 1150-1180?, Voyages and travels, Voyages and travels--Early works to 1800, Description and travel, Description and travel, Discovery and exploration--Welsh, Discovery and exploration--Pre-Columbian, DS7 .H47 1638
Rare revised and enlarged second English edition of Herbert's account of his voyage (1627-29) to Persia by way of the Cape, Madagascar and Surat ... Show moreRare revised and enlarged second English edition of Herbert's account of his voyage (1627-29) to Persia by way of the Cape, Madagascar and Surat (India). On his way back he visited North America. Herbert begins his account of America (pp. 355-364) with its supposed discovery in 1170 by Madoc, son of Owen Gwyneth, Prince of Wales, and attempts to defend this claim with linguistic and cultural evidence. ''The quaint and curious notes on the travels make the volume one of the most interesting and attractive of the earlier and more primitive accounts'' (South African Bibliography). The illustrations include maps of Madagascar and the southeastern coast of Africa, the Persian empire, India, and Southeast Asia, views of the Persian Gulf, Tenerife, St. Helena, natives of Angola, the Cape, Persia and depictions of a coconut tree, a shark fish, a penguin and a dodo. - Thomas Herbert (1606-82) travelled with Dodmore Cotton, the new English ambassador to Persia (who died before Herbert's return). He first published his account in English in 1634, and it was translated into Dutch (by Lambert van den Bos) in 1658 and into French in 1663. Jonathan Swift attacked its "impertinences, conceitedness, and tedious digressions" and called the author a coxcomb (South African Bibliography). - Some marginal waterstains and soiling. A good copy of this account which is still important for its early eyewitness descriptions, especially of Persia, India and Africa. Headpieces; initials. Author attributes first dicovery of America to Madoc ap Owen Gwynedd, 300 years before Columbus. Main Heritage Shelves General DS7 .H47 1638 Book Item-ID: i2266774x BIB-ID: 1508228 Book plate of T. Scott. (Rev. Thomas). WlLaUW T.-p. signed William Phillips de Bradeley. WlLaUW Presented by Thomas Phillips 1842. WlLaUW Show less
World history, World history--Early works to 1800, World history, History, History early, DS38.2 .T33 1879, 909
Prima series, I / recensuit J. Barth ; II / recensuerunt J. Barth et Th. Nöldeke -- III / recensuit P. de Jong -- IV / recensuerunt P. de Jong et E... Show morePrima series, I / recensuit J. Barth ; II / recensuerunt J. Barth et Th. Nöldeke -- III / recensuit P. de Jong -- IV / recensuerunt P. de Jong et E. Prym -- V / recensuit E. Prym -- VI / recensuit E. Prym -- Seconda Series, I / recensuerunt H. horbecke, S. Fraenket et I. Guidi -- II / recensuit I. Guidi -- III / recensuerunt I. Guidi, D.H. Müller et M.J. de Goeje -- Tertia series, I / recensuerunt M.Th. Houtsma et S. Guyard -- II / recensuerunt S. Guyard et M.J. de Goeje -- III / recensuerunt V. Rosen et M.J. de Goeje -- IV / recensuit M.J. de Goeje -- Indices -- Introductio, glossarium, addenda et emendanda quos scripsit Abu Djafar Mohammed ibn Djarir at-Tabari ; cum aliis edidit M.J. de Goeje Text in Arabic. The "Annales" are divided into 3 series, consisting of 6, 3 and 4 volumes respectively. Vols. [14] and [15] are "Indices" and "Introductio, glossarium, addenda et emendanda" Main Heritage Shelves General DS38.2 .T33 1879 Book part 2 vol.3 Item-ID: i22330227 BIB-ID: 2386518 Also issued online. Arabic text with introduction in Latin, English and German, notes in Latin. Show less
World history, World history--Early works to 1800, World history, History, History early, DS38.2 .T33 1879, 909
Prima series, I / recensuit J. Barth ; II / recensuerunt J. Barth et Th. Nöldeke -- III / recensuit P. de Jong -- IV / recensuerunt P. de Jong et E... Show morePrima series, I / recensuit J. Barth ; II / recensuerunt J. Barth et Th. Nöldeke -- III / recensuit P. de Jong -- IV / recensuerunt P. de Jong et E. Prym -- V / recensuit E. Prym -- VI / recensuit E. Prym -- Seconda Series, I / recensuerunt H. horbecke, S. Fraenket et I. Guidi -- II / recensuit I. Guidi -- III / recensuerunt I. Guidi, D.H. Müller et M.J. de Goeje -- Tertia series, I / recensuerunt M.Th. Houtsma et S. Guyard -- II / recensuerunt S. Guyard et M.J. de Goeje -- III / recensuerunt V. Rosen et M.J. de Goeje -- IV / recensuit M.J. de Goeje -- Indices -- Introductio, glossarium, addenda et emendanda quos scripsit Abu Djafar Mohammed ibn Djarir at-Tabari ; cum aliis edidit M.J. de Goeje Text in Arabic. The "Annales" are divided into 3 series, consisting of 6, 3 and 4 volumes respectively. Vols. [14] and [15] are "Indices" and "Introductio, glossarium, addenda et emendanda" Main Heritage Shelves General DS38.2 .T33 1879 Book part 2 vol.2 Item-ID: i22330197 BIB-ID: 2386518 Also issued online. Arabic text with introduction in Latin, English and German, notes in Latin. Show less
World history, World history--Early works to 1800, World history, History, History early, DS38.2 .T33 1879, 909
Prima series, I / recensuit J. Barth ; II / recensuerunt J. Barth et Th. Nöldeke -- III / recensuit P. de Jong -- IV / recensuerunt P. de Jong et E... Show morePrima series, I / recensuit J. Barth ; II / recensuerunt J. Barth et Th. Nöldeke -- III / recensuit P. de Jong -- IV / recensuerunt P. de Jong et E. Prym -- V / recensuit E. Prym -- VI / recensuit E. Prym -- Seconda Series, I / recensuerunt H. horbecke, S. Fraenket et I. Guidi -- II / recensuit I. Guidi -- III / recensuerunt I. Guidi, D.H. Müller et M.J. de Goeje -- Tertia series, I / recensuerunt M.Th. Houtsma et S. Guyard -- II / recensuerunt S. Guyard et M.J. de Goeje -- III / recensuerunt V. Rosen et M.J. de Goeje -- IV / recensuit M.J. de Goeje -- Indices -- Introductio, glossarium, addenda et emendanda quos scripsit Abu Djafar Mohammed ibn Djarir at-Tabari ; cum aliis edidit M.J. de Goeje Text in Arabic. The "Annales" are divided into 3 series, consisting of 6, 3 and 4 volumes respectively. Vols. [14] and [15] are "Indices" and "Introductio, glossarium, addenda et emendanda" Main Heritage Shelves General DS38.2 .T33 1879 Book part 1 vol.5 Item-ID: i2233015x BIB-ID: 2386518 Also issued online. Arabic text with introduction in Latin, English and German, notes in Latin. Show less
World history, World history--Early works to 1800, World history, History, History early, DS38.2 .T33 1879, 909
Prima series, I / recensuit J. Barth ; II / recensuerunt J. Barth et Th. Nöldeke -- III / recensuit P. de Jong -- IV / recensuerunt P. de Jong et E... Show morePrima series, I / recensuit J. Barth ; II / recensuerunt J. Barth et Th. Nöldeke -- III / recensuit P. de Jong -- IV / recensuerunt P. de Jong et E. Prym -- V / recensuit E. Prym -- VI / recensuit E. Prym -- Seconda Series, I / recensuerunt H. horbecke, S. Fraenket et I. Guidi -- II / recensuit I. Guidi -- III / recensuerunt I. Guidi, D.H. Müller et M.J. de Goeje -- Tertia series, I / recensuerunt M.Th. Houtsma et S. Guyard -- II / recensuerunt S. Guyard et M.J. de Goeje -- III / recensuerunt V. Rosen et M.J. de Goeje -- IV / recensuit M.J. de Goeje -- Indices -- Introductio, glossarium, addenda et emendanda quos scripsit Abu Djafar Mohammed ibn Djarir at-Tabari ; cum aliis edidit M.J. de Goeje Text in Arabic. The "Annales" are divided into 3 series, consisting of 6, 3 and 4 volumes respectively. Vols. [14] and [15] are "Indices" and "Introductio, glossarium, addenda et emendanda" Main Heritage Shelves General DS38.2 .T33 1879 Book part 1 vol.3 Item-ID: i22330136 BIB-ID: 2386518 Also issued online. Arabic text with introduction in Latin, English and German, notes in Latin. Show less
World history, World history--Early works to 1800, World history, History, History early, DS38.2 .T33 1879, 909
Prima series, I / recensuit J. Barth ; II / recensuerunt J. Barth et Th. Nöldeke -- III / recensuit P. de Jong -- IV / recensuerunt P. de Jong et E... Show morePrima series, I / recensuit J. Barth ; II / recensuerunt J. Barth et Th. Nöldeke -- III / recensuit P. de Jong -- IV / recensuerunt P. de Jong et E. Prym -- V / recensuit E. Prym -- VI / recensuit E. Prym -- Seconda Series, I / recensuerunt H. horbecke, S. Fraenket et I. Guidi -- II / recensuit I. Guidi -- III / recensuerunt I. Guidi, D.H. Müller et M.J. de Goeje -- Tertia series, I / recensuerunt M.Th. Houtsma et S. Guyard -- II / recensuerunt S. Guyard et M.J. de Goeje -- III / recensuerunt V. Rosen et M.J. de Goeje -- IV / recensuit M.J. de Goeje -- Indices -- Introductio, glossarium, addenda et emendanda quos scripsit Abu Djafar Mohammed ibn Djarir at-Tabari ; cum aliis edidit M.J. de Goeje Text in Arabic. The "Annales" are divided into 3 series, consisting of 6, 3 and 4 volumes respectively. Vols. [14] and [15] are "Indices" and "Introductio, glossarium, addenda et emendanda" Main Heritage Shelves General DS38.2 .T33 1879 Book part 2 vol.1 Item-ID: i22330185 BIB-ID: 2386518 Also issued online. Arabic text with introduction in Latin, English and German, notes in Latin. Show less
World history, World history--Early works to 1800, World history, History, History early, DS38.2 .T33 1879, 909
Prima series, I / recensuit J. Barth ; II / recensuerunt J. Barth et Th. Nöldeke -- III / recensuit P. de Jong -- IV / recensuerunt P. de Jong et E... Show morePrima series, I / recensuit J. Barth ; II / recensuerunt J. Barth et Th. Nöldeke -- III / recensuit P. de Jong -- IV / recensuerunt P. de Jong et E. Prym -- V / recensuit E. Prym -- VI / recensuit E. Prym -- Seconda Series, I / recensuerunt H. horbecke, S. Fraenket et I. Guidi -- II / recensuit I. Guidi -- III / recensuerunt I. Guidi, D.H. Müller et M.J. de Goeje -- Tertia series, I / recensuerunt M.Th. Houtsma et S. Guyard -- II / recensuerunt S. Guyard et M.J. de Goeje -- III / recensuerunt V. Rosen et M.J. de Goeje -- IV / recensuit M.J. de Goeje -- Indices -- Introductio, glossarium, addenda et emendanda quos scripsit Abu Djafar Mohammed ibn Djarir at-Tabari ; cum aliis edidit M.J. de Goeje Text in Arabic. The "Annales" are divided into 3 series, consisting of 6, 3 and 4 volumes respectively. Vols. [14] and [15] are "Indices" and "Introductio, glossarium, addenda et emendanda" Main Heritage Shelves General DS38.2 .T33 1879 Book part 1 vol.6 Item-ID: i22330173 BIB-ID: 2386518 Also issued online. Arabic text with introduction in Latin, English and German, notes in Latin. Show less
World history, World history--Early works to 1800, World history, History, History early, DS38.2 .T33 1879, 909
Prima series, I / recensuit J. Barth ; II / recensuerunt J. Barth et Th. Nöldeke -- III / recensuit P. de Jong -- IV / recensuerunt P. de Jong et E... Show morePrima series, I / recensuit J. Barth ; II / recensuerunt J. Barth et Th. Nöldeke -- III / recensuit P. de Jong -- IV / recensuerunt P. de Jong et E. Prym -- V / recensuit E. Prym -- VI / recensuit E. Prym -- Seconda Series, I / recensuerunt H. horbecke, S. Fraenket et I. Guidi -- II / recensuit I. Guidi -- III / recensuerunt I. Guidi, D.H. Müller et M.J. de Goeje -- Tertia series, I / recensuerunt M.Th. Houtsma et S. Guyard -- II / recensuerunt S. Guyard et M.J. de Goeje -- III / recensuerunt V. Rosen et M.J. de Goeje -- IV / recensuit M.J. de Goeje -- Indices -- Introductio, glossarium, addenda et emendanda quos scripsit Abu Djafar Mohammed ibn Djarir at-Tabari ; cum aliis edidit M.J. de Goeje Text in Arabic. The "Annales" are divided into 3 series, consisting of 6, 3 and 4 volumes respectively. Vols. [14] and [15] are "Indices" and "Introductio, glossarium, addenda et emendanda" Main Heritage Shelves General DS38.2 .T33 1879 Book part 1 vol.4 Item-ID: i22330148 BIB-ID: 2386518 Also issued online. Arabic text with introduction in Latin, English and German, notes in Latin. Show less
World history, World history--Early works to 1800, World history, History, History early, DS38.2 .T33 1879, 909
Prima series, I / recensuit J. Barth ; II / recensuerunt J. Barth et Th. Nöldeke -- III / recensuit P. de Jong -- IV / recensuerunt P. de Jong et E... Show morePrima series, I / recensuit J. Barth ; II / recensuerunt J. Barth et Th. Nöldeke -- III / recensuit P. de Jong -- IV / recensuerunt P. de Jong et E. Prym -- V / recensuit E. Prym -- VI / recensuit E. Prym -- Seconda Series, I / recensuerunt H. horbecke, S. Fraenket et I. Guidi -- II / recensuit I. Guidi -- III / recensuerunt I. Guidi, D.H. Müller et M.J. de Goeje -- Tertia series, I / recensuerunt M.Th. Houtsma et S. Guyard -- II / recensuerunt S. Guyard et M.J. de Goeje -- III / recensuerunt V. Rosen et M.J. de Goeje -- IV / recensuit M.J. de Goeje -- Indices -- Introductio, glossarium, addenda et emendanda quos scripsit Abu Djafar Mohammed ibn Djarir at-Tabari ; cum aliis edidit M.J. de Goeje Text in Arabic. The "Annales" are divided into 3 series, consisting of 6, 3 and 4 volumes respectively. Vols. [14] and [15] are "Indices" and "Introductio, glossarium, addenda et emendanda" Main Heritage Shelves General DS38.2 .T33 1879 Book part 1 vol.2 Item-ID: i22330124 BIB-ID: 2386518 Also issued online. Arabic text with introduction in Latin, English and German, notes in Latin. Show less
Wagner, Richard , 1813-1883, Wagner, Richard , 1813-1883, ML410.W1 H63 1925
by George Ainslie Hight. Main Heritage Compact General ML410.W1 H63 1925 Book vol. 1 Item-ID: i25947114 BIB-ID: 2758734 Bibliography: v. 2, p. 299-309. Show moreby George Ainslie Hight. Main Heritage Compact General ML410.W1 H63 1925 Book vol. 1 Item-ID: i25947114 BIB-ID: 2758734 Bibliography: v. 2, p. 299-309. Show less
herausgegeben von M.Th. Houtsma, T.W. Arnold, R. Basset un R. Hartmann. Main Heritage Compact General BP40 .E523 1913 Book vol. 1 Item-ID: i26191027 BIB... Show moreherausgegeben von M.Th. Houtsma, T.W. Arnold, R. Basset un R. Hartmann. Main Heritage Compact General BP40 .E523 1913 Book vol. 1 Item-ID: i26191027 BIB-ID: 2336601 Show less
herausgegeben von M.Th. Houtsma, T.W. Arnold, R. Basset un R. Hartmann. Main Heritage Compact General BP40 .E523 1913 Book vol. 3 Item-ID: i26190151 BIB... Show moreherausgegeben von M.Th. Houtsma, T.W. Arnold, R. Basset un R. Hartmann. Main Heritage Compact General BP40 .E523 1913 Book vol. 3 Item-ID: i26190151 BIB-ID: 2336601 Show less
herausgegeben von M.Th. Houtsma, T.W. Arnold, R. Basset un R. Hartmann. Main Heritage Compact General BP40 .E523 1913 Book vol. 2 Item-ID: i26191015 BIB... Show moreherausgegeben von M.Th. Houtsma, T.W. Arnold, R. Basset un R. Hartmann. Main Heritage Compact General BP40 .E523 1913 Book vol. 2 Item-ID: i26191015 BIB-ID: 2336601 Show less
herausgegeben von M.Th. Houtsma, T.W. Arnold, R. Basset un R. Hartmann. Main Heritage Compact General BP40 .E523 1913 Book vol. 4 Item-ID: i26191003 BIB... Show moreherausgegeben von M.Th. Houtsma, T.W. Arnold, R. Basset un R. Hartmann. Main Heritage Compact General BP40 .E523 1913 Book vol. 4 Item-ID: i26191003 BIB-ID: 2336601 Show less
Vol. 1. A-D -- vol. 2. E-K -- vol. 3. L-R -- vol. 4. S-Z. prepared by a number of leading orientalists. Published under the patronage of the... Show moreVol. 1. A-D -- vol. 2. E-K -- vol. 3. L-R -- vol. 4. S-Z. prepared by a number of leading orientalists. Published under the patronage of the International association of the academies. Issued in parts (no. 1, 1908). Vols. 1-2, 1913-27; v. 3, 1936; v. 4, 1934. Editors: v. 1, M. Th. Houtsma, T.W. Arnold, R. Basset and R. Hartmann.--v. 2, M. Th. Houtsma, A.J. Wensinck, T.W. Arnold, W. Heffening and E. Lévi-Provençal.--v. 3-4, M. Th. Houtsma, A.J. Wensinck, E. Lévi-Provençal, H.A.R. Gibb and W. Heffening. Main Heritage Shelves General DS37 .E53 1913 Book vol. 1 Item-ID: i15862550 BIB-ID: 2668455 Show less
جمعها المستشرق الكسندر سيبل. إعادة طبع. نشر أصلا في أوسلو، 1928. Main Heritage Shelves General D148 .S53 1968 Book Item-ID: i15521114 BIB-ID: 2535491 يتضم... Show moreجمعها المستشرق الكسندر سيبل. إعادة طبع. نشر أصلا في أوسلو، 1928. Main Heritage Shelves General D148 .S53 1968 Book Item-ID: i15521114 BIB-ID: 2535491 يتضمن نصوص باللغة اللاتينية. Show less