Description and travel, Description and travel, DS257 .D45 1658
Vol. 1. Con la vita dell'autore, promettendosi in breue l'India non ancora data in luce, MDCLXII -- vol. 2. La Persia, parte prima. In Roma, a... Show moreVol. 1. Con la vita dell'autore, promettendosi in breue l'India non ancora data in luce, MDCLXII -- vol. 2. La Persia, parte prima. In Roma, a spese di Biagio Diuersin ..., MDCLVIII [colophon: Nella stamperia di Vitale Mascardi] -- vol. 3. La Persia, parte seconda. In Roma, a spese di Biagio Diuersin ..., MDCLVIII [colophon: Nella stamperia di Vitale Mascardi] -- vol. 4. Parte terza cioe' l'India, co'l ritorno alla patria. In Roma, a spese di Biagio Diuersin, e Felice Cefaretti, nella stamperia di Vitale Mascardi, MDCLXIII.. First Editions of volumes 2-3. Second edition of volume 1. 3 volumes in 4, 4to (225 x 165mm). contemporary vellum, spines lettered in ink, text browned and occasionally spotted Engraved portrait of the author in volume 1 Main Heritage Display General DS257 .D45 1658 Book vol. 1 Item-ID: i24823260 BIB-ID: 2661917 Show less
a cura di G. Di Pietro [e] M. L. Righini Bonelli. Museo di Fisica e Storia Naturale di Firenze. Main Heritage Compact General Z4701 .F55 1970 Reference ... Show morea cura di G. Di Pietro [e] M. L. Righini Bonelli. Museo di Fisica e Storia Naturale di Firenze. Main Heritage Compact General Z4701 .F55 1970 Reference Item-ID: i10070321 BIB-ID: 1008668 Show less
Tradotto in Italiano per M. Pietro Lauro Modonese ... Vol. 2 has title: Li dieci vltimi libri ... Delle antichita giudaiche; Vol. 3 has title: Le... Show moreTradotto in Italiano per M. Pietro Lauro Modonese ... Vol. 2 has title: Li dieci vltimi libri ... Delle antichita giudaiche; Vol. 3 has title: Le guerre giudaiche divise in sette libri ... Printer's devices on title pages. At end: Il fine delli vintisette libri di Flavio Gioseffo. Parts 1-2 paged continuously. Main Heritage Shelves General DS117 .J67 1702 Book Item-ID: i10096991 BIB-ID: 1011335 Show less
Description and travel, Description and travel, DS257 .V35 1658
Published within the first complete and reliable edition of della Valle's "Viaggi", the present volume constitutes the first part of the author's... Show morePublished within the first complete and reliable edition of della Valle's "Viaggi", the present volume constitutes the first part of the author's Persian travels (March 1617-May 1619), spent in Isfahan and at Ferhabad. Pietro della Valle (1586-1652) left Venice in 1614 on a pilgrimage to Palestine, proceeding to Baghdad and then into Persia, where he married and sojourned in the court of Shah Abbas. He continued his travels east to the coast of India, Goa and Muscat, and thence back to Aleppo by way of Basra. He reached Rome in 1626, where the original Italian text of his letters written to the Neapolitan physician Mario Schipano was published. Only the first volume, dealing with Turkey, saw print during his lifetime. The two-part volume II on Persia was released in 1658, four years after his death; in 1662 the Turkey volume saw a second edition, and the set was concluded in 1663 with the volume discussing India. A one-volume English translation of the Indian travels appeared in 1665. - Binding rubbed; inner hinges rather crudely reinforced. Somewhat brownstained throughout; a few pencil marginalia. From the collection of the Modena-born abbot Giacomo Crispi (1693-1774), a member of Muratori's circle, with his ms. ownership (dated 1737) to t. p. 33609(2). Vittorio Alfieri Firenze 1793. Demi-rel. parchemin. Main Heritage Shelves General DS257 .V35 1658 Book Item-ID: i1687559x BIB-ID: 1510981 Show less
TravelDella Valle, Pietro , 1586-1652, Description and travel, Description and travel, DS47 .D45 1663
Main Heritage Shelves General DS47 .D45 1663 Book vol.4 Item-ID: i22345607 BIB-ID: 2393001 Show moreMain Heritage Shelves General DS47 .D45 1663 Book vol.4 Item-ID: i22345607 BIB-ID: 2393001 Show less
TravelDella Valle, Pietro , 1586-1652, Description and travel, Description and travel, DS47 .D45 1663
Main Heritage Shelves General DS47 .D45 1663 Book vol.2 Item-ID: i22345577 BIB-ID: 2393001 Show moreMain Heritage Shelves General DS47 .D45 1663 Book vol.2 Item-ID: i22345577 BIB-ID: 2393001 Show less
TravelDella Valle, Pietro , 1586-1652, Description and travel, Description and travel, DS47 .D45 1663
Main Heritage Shelves General DS47 .D45 1663 Book vol.3 Item-ID: i22345590 BIB-ID: 2393001 Show moreMain Heritage Shelves General DS47 .D45 1663 Book vol.3 Item-ID: i22345590 BIB-ID: 2393001 Show less
Della Valle, Pietro , 1586-1652, Description and travel--Early works to 1800, Description and travel--Early works to 1800, DS257 .D35, 955/.03
La Persia was originally published as the 2nd part of the author's Viaggi. Includes indexes. Show moreLa Persia was originally published as the 2nd part of the author's Viaggi. Includes indexes. Show less
Description and travel, Description and travel, DS257 .D35 1672
La Persia diuisa in due parti, parte prima -- La Persia, parte seconda -- Parte terza, cioè l'India, co'l ritorno alla patria. Includes index. Show moreLa Persia diuisa in due parti, parte prima -- La Persia, parte seconda -- Parte terza, cioè l'India, co'l ritorno alla patria. Includes index. Show less
Della Valle, Pietro , 1586-1652, Description and travel--Early works to 1800, Description and travel--Early works to 1800, DS257 .D35, 955/.03
La Persia was originally published as the 2nd part of the author's Viaggi. Includes indexes. Show moreLa Persia was originally published as the 2nd part of the author's Viaggi. Includes indexes. Show less
Description and travel, Description and travel, DS257 .D35 1672
La Persia diuisa in due parti, parte prima -- La Persia, parte seconda -- Parte terza, cioè l'India, co'l ritorno alla patria. Includes index. Show moreLa Persia diuisa in due parti, parte prima -- La Persia, parte seconda -- Parte terza, cioè l'India, co'l ritorno alla patria. Includes index. Show less
Voyages and travels, Description and travel, Description and travel, Description and travel, DS7 .D4413 1665, 915.4
Translation by George Havers of the third part of the author's Viaggi ... cioè la Tvrchia, la Persia, e l'India. Errors in paging: 34, 295, 313,... Show moreTranslation by George Havers of the third part of the author's Viaggi ... cioè la Tvrchia, la Persia, e l'India. Errors in paging: 34, 295, 313, 323 numbered 36, 294, 213, 233 respectively. Show less
di Claudio Ptolemeo Alessandrino Con alcuni comenti & aggiunte fatteui da Sebastiano munstero... con le tavole non solamente antiche & moderne... Show moredi Claudio Ptolemeo Alessandrino Con alcuni comenti & aggiunte fatteui da Sebastiano munstero... con le tavole non solamente antiche & moderne solite di stãparsi, ma altre nuove aggiuntevi di Iacopo Gastaldo... ridotta in volgare Italia da Pietro Andrea Mattiolo... Show less
Description and travel, Description and travel, DS257 .D45 1658
Vol. 1. Con la vita dell'autore, promettendosi in breue l'India non ancora data in luce, MDCLXII -- vol. 2. La Persia, parte prima. In Roma, a... Show moreVol. 1. Con la vita dell'autore, promettendosi in breue l'India non ancora data in luce, MDCLXII -- vol. 2. La Persia, parte prima. In Roma, a spese di Biagio Diuersin ..., MDCLVIII [colophon: Nella stamperia di Vitale Mascardi] -- vol. 3. La Persia, parte seconda. In Roma, a spese di Biagio Diuersin ..., MDCLVIII [colophon: Nella stamperia di Vitale Mascardi] -- vol. 4. Parte terza cioe' l'India, co'l ritorno alla patria. In Roma, a spese di Biagio Diuersin, e Felice Cefaretti, nella stamperia di Vitale Mascardi, MDCLXIII.. First Editions of volumes 2-3. Second edition of volume 1. 3 volumes in 4, 4to (225 x 165mm). contemporary vellum, spines lettered in ink, text browned and occasionally spotted Engraved portrait of the author in volume 1 Main Heritage Shelves General DS257 .D45 1658 Book vol. 2 Item-ID: i24823272 BIB-ID: 2661917 Show less
Description and travel, Description and travel, DS257 .D45 1658
Vol. 1. Con la vita dell'autore, promettendosi in breue l'India non ancora data in luce, MDCLXII -- vol. 2. La Persia, parte prima. In Roma, a... Show moreVol. 1. Con la vita dell'autore, promettendosi in breue l'India non ancora data in luce, MDCLXII -- vol. 2. La Persia, parte prima. In Roma, a spese di Biagio Diuersin ..., MDCLVIII [colophon: Nella stamperia di Vitale Mascardi] -- vol. 3. La Persia, parte seconda. In Roma, a spese di Biagio Diuersin ..., MDCLVIII [colophon: Nella stamperia di Vitale Mascardi] -- vol. 4. Parte terza cioe' l'India, co'l ritorno alla patria. In Roma, a spese di Biagio Diuersin, e Felice Cefaretti, nella stamperia di Vitale Mascardi, MDCLXIII.. First Editions of volumes 2-3. Second edition of volume 1. 3 volumes in 4, 4to (225 x 165mm). contemporary vellum, spines lettered in ink, text browned and occasionally spotted Engraved portrait of the author in volume 1 Main Heritage Shelves General DS257 .D45 1658 Book vol. 4 Item-ID: i24823296 BIB-ID: 2661917 Show less
Description and travel, Description and travel, DS257 .D45 1658
Vol. 1. Con la vita dell'autore, promettendosi in breue l'India non ancora data in luce, MDCLXII -- vol. 2. La Persia, parte prima. In Roma, a... Show moreVol. 1. Con la vita dell'autore, promettendosi in breue l'India non ancora data in luce, MDCLXII -- vol. 2. La Persia, parte prima. In Roma, a spese di Biagio Diuersin ..., MDCLVIII [colophon: Nella stamperia di Vitale Mascardi] -- vol. 3. La Persia, parte seconda. In Roma, a spese di Biagio Diuersin ..., MDCLVIII [colophon: Nella stamperia di Vitale Mascardi] -- vol. 4. Parte terza cioe' l'India, co'l ritorno alla patria. In Roma, a spese di Biagio Diuersin, e Felice Cefaretti, nella stamperia di Vitale Mascardi, MDCLXIII.. First Editions of volumes 2-3. Second edition of volume 1. 3 volumes in 4, 4to (225 x 165mm). contemporary vellum, spines lettered in ink, text browned and occasionally spotted Engraved portrait of the author in volume 1 Main Heritage Shelves General DS257 .D45 1658 Book vol. 3 Item-ID: i24823284 BIB-ID: 2661917 Show less
Weights and measures--History, Weights and measures--History--Early works to 1800, QC87 .P37 1540
composta per M. Bartholomeo di Pasi da Vinetia ; con la sua tauola copiosissima e facilissima a trouare ogni cosa per ordine nuouamente fatta e con... Show morecomposta per M. Bartholomeo di Pasi da Vinetia ; con la sua tauola copiosissima e facilissima a trouare ogni cosa per ordine nuouamente fatta e con somma dilige[n]za reuista e spa[m]pata. Print from colophon. Signatures: aa12, A-Z8, AA-BB8. -- La h. aa12 en bl. -- L. curs. -- Catchwords. -- Registrum. Tít. enmarcado en port. arquitectónica xil. -- Inic. grab. xil. An early merchants' guide to the measurements of the Mediterranean and Near East, this pocketbook for sixteenth-century Italian traders is one of the foremost sources for the study of the metrologies of Venice and her trading partners in the early sixteenth century. It enabled conversion between Venetian currency, weights and measures and units of other Italian city-states, European neighbours and more exotic locations in the Levant, North Africa, the Near and Middle East, including Constantinople, Aleppo, Tripoli, Damascus, Cyprus, Corfu, Rhodes, and Crete. Pasi's manual is invaluable as a record of the panoply of commodities traded in the Mediterranean at the start of the sixteenth century, including pearls, silks, wool, saffron, chestnuts, figs, galangal, vegetable oils, gold and silver. On fols. 3, 11, and 12, Pasi recorded the tariffs on pearls in Damascus, Aleppo, Cairo, Alexandria, Constantinople and Venice. Most likely the famous merchant Balbi carried a copy of this classic on his travels. - First printed in Venice in 1503, and again in 1521, this 1540 edition appears to be the third and was followed by another in 1557. - An excellent clean copy in a charming French binding. Very rare: the only copy of any edition to surface at auction within the last thirty years appears to be the Honeyman copy of the 1503 edition. Main Heritage Shelves General QC87 .P37 1540 Book Item-ID: i16875357 BIB-ID: 1510954 Show less