by F.H. Brooksbank ; ill. by Evelyn Paul. Main Heritage Shelves General GR355 .B76 1924 Book Item-ID: i10180448 BIB-ID: 1019680 Show moreby F.H. Brooksbank ; ill. by Evelyn Paul. Main Heritage Shelves General GR355 .B76 1924 Book Item-ID: i10180448 BIB-ID: 1019680 Show less
by Donald A. Mackenzie, with historical narrative, notes on race problems, comparative beliefs, etc. Main Heritage Shelves General BL2441 .M33 1913 Book ... Show moreby Donald A. Mackenzie, with historical narrative, notes on race problems, comparative beliefs, etc. Main Heritage Shelves General BL2441 .M33 1913 Book Item-ID: i10086080 BIB-ID: 1010244 Show less
Legends, Legends--Armenia, Description and travel, DK511.T65 H38 1854
by Baron von Haxthausen ; With illustrations by Graeb. Translated by J.E. Taylor from the manuscript of the author's "Transkaukasia" , previous to... Show moreby Baron von Haxthausen ; With illustrations by Graeb. Translated by J.E. Taylor from the manuscript of the author's "Transkaukasia" , previous to its appearance in the original. cf. Pref. Main Heritage Shelves General DK511.T65 H38 1854 Book Item-ID: i10232448 BIB-ID: 1024880 Show less
Adam -- Idris or Enoch -- Noah, Hud and Salih -- Abraham -- Joseph -- Moses and Aaron -- Samuel, Saul and David -- Soloman and the Queen of Saba --... Show moreAdam -- Idris or Enoch -- Noah, Hud and Salih -- Abraham -- Joseph -- Moses and Aaron -- Samuel, Saul and David -- Soloman and the Queen of Saba -- John, Mary and Christ. compiled from Arabic sources and compared with Jewish traditions by G. Weil ; translated from the German, with occasional notes. Translation of: Biblische Legenden der Muselmaenner. Main Heritage Shelves General BP137 .W413 1846 Book Item-ID: i10191446 BIB-ID: 1020780 Includes bibliographical references. Show less
The legend of the nocturnal journey and ascension of Mahomet compared with the Divine comedy.--The divine comedy compared with other Moslem legends... Show moreThe legend of the nocturnal journey and ascension of Mahomet compared with the Divine comedy.--The divine comedy compared with other Moslem legends on the after-life.--Moslem features in the Christian legends precursory of the Divine comedy.--Probability of the transmission of Islamic models to Christian Europe and particularly to Dante. by Miguel Asin ... translated and abridged by Harold Sunderland. Translation of La escatologia musulmana en la Divina comedia. "Bibliographical index": p. 278-287. Show less
by Donald A. Mackenzie, with historical narrative, notes on race problems, comparative beliefs, etc. Main Heritage Compact General BL2441 .M33 1913 Book ... Show moreby Donald A. Mackenzie, with historical narrative, notes on race problems, comparative beliefs, etc. Main Heritage Compact General BL2441 .M33 1913 Book Item-ID: i10086079 BIB-ID: 1010244 Show less
The legend of the nocturnal journey and ascension of Mahomet compared with the Divine comedy.--The divine comedy compared with other Moslem legends... Show moreThe legend of the nocturnal journey and ascension of Mahomet compared with the Divine comedy.--The divine comedy compared with other Moslem legends on the after-life.--Moslem features in the Christian legends precursory of the Divine comedy.--Probability of the transmission of Islamic models to Christian Europe and particularly to Dante. by Miguel Asin ... translated and abridged by Harold Sunderland. Translation of La escatologia musulmana en la Divina comedia. Main Heritage Shelves General PQ4394 .A73 1926 Book Item-ID: i10111761 BIB-ID: 1012812 "Bibliographical index": p. 278-287. Show less