auftraggeber: Société Royale de Géographie d'Égypte ; herausgeben von Édouard Driault. Main Heritage Shelves General DT104 .E34 1931 Book vol. 3 Item-ID... Show moreauftraggeber: Société Royale de Géographie d'Égypte ; herausgeben von Édouard Driault. Main Heritage Shelves General DT104 .E34 1931 Book vol. 3 Item-ID: i10132107 BIB-ID: 1014846 Show less
يبدأ بالفن الرابع عشر : في الكبد وأحوالها وهو أربع مقالات Main Heritage Display General HC.MS.2017.0033 Manuscripts Item-ID: i24555332 BIB-ID: 2537498 ال... Show moreيبدأ بالفن الرابع عشر : في الكبد وأحوالها وهو أربع مقالات Main Heritage Display General HC.MS.2017.0033 Manuscripts Item-ID: i24555332 BIB-ID: 2537498 اللغة العربية؛ خط النسخ Show less
by J. G. Lorimer. Completed and edited by L. Birdwood. Facsimile reprint. Contents. - v.1, pt.1 (pt.a & b)-2. Historical. - v.1, pt.3, Historical,... Show moreby J. G. Lorimer. Completed and edited by L. Birdwood. Facsimile reprint. Contents. - v.1, pt.1 (pt.a & b)-2. Historical. - v.1, pt.3, Historical, tables-maps. - v.2, pt.1-2. Geographical and statistical. Show less
the 3rd volume is: The Englishwoman in Egypt : letters from Cairo during a residence there in 1845-46 Main Heritage Compact General DT53 .P82 1844 Book ... Show morethe 3rd volume is: The Englishwoman in Egypt : letters from Cairo during a residence there in 1845-46 Main Heritage Compact General DT53 .P82 1844 Book vol.2 Item-ID: i2023661x BIB-ID: 1021535 Show less
traduit par M. de Lantier. "Les Voyages d'Antenor ne sont qu'un roman d'imagination [par de Lantier] ... on l'a surnommé avec raison l'Anarchis des... Show moretraduit par M. de Lantier. "Les Voyages d'Antenor ne sont qu'un roman d'imagination [par de Lantier] ... on l'a surnommé avec raison l'Anarchis des boudoirs"--Quérard. On verso of t.p., v. 1: Imprimerie de D'Hautel, rue de la Harpe, no. 80. Show less
by Major David Price. Spine title: Price's Mahommedan history. Vols. numbered 1, 2, 3 pt. 1, 3 pt. 2. Show moreby Major David Price. Spine title: Price's Mahommedan history. Vols. numbered 1, 2, 3 pt. 1, 3 pt. 2. Show less
dell'abate Giambatista Toderini. Italian or Turkish. Includes bibliographical references. Show moredell'abate Giambatista Toderini. Italian or Turkish. Includes bibliographical references. Show less
Description and travel, Description and travel, Description and travel, Description and travel, D975 .M35
-t. 1. Introduction. Hongrie et Transylvanie. Russie méridionale. Notes sur la Hongrie.-t. 2. Turquie. Asia-Mineure. Syrie. Documents historiques... Show more-t. 1. Introduction. Hongrie et Transylvanie. Russie méridionale. Notes sur la Hongrie.-t. 2. Turquie. Asia-Mineure. Syrie. Documents historiques relatifs à l'historie politique de la Turquie en 1807.-t. 3. Syrie. Basse-Éqypte: Alexandrie. Route d'Alexandrie au Caire. Le Caire. Documents relatifs à l'expédition d'Égypte.-t. 4. Moyenne et haute Égypte. La désert et les bords de la mer Rouge. Second séjour au Caire. Retour en Europe. Notes sur l'Égypte, écrites par l'empereur Napoléon. Pièces relatives à la prise de Malte. Observations physiques.-t. 5. Introduction. Essai historique sur la Sicile. Voyage en Sicile. Note sur Murat. Vol. 5 has title: Voyage ... en Sicile. Show less
pt. I. v. 1-2. The histories of prophets, kings, and khalifs.--pt. II. v. 1-2. The life of Muhammad the apostle of Allah.--pt. II. v. 3. The lives... Show morept. I. v. 1-2. The histories of prophets, kings, and khalifs.--pt. II. v. 1-2. The life of Muhammad the apostle of Allah.--pt. II. v. 3. The lives of Abu Bakr, O'mar, O'thmân, and A'li, the four immediate successors of Muhammad the apostle. By Muhammad bin Khâvendshâh bin Mahmûd, commonly called Mirkhond. Translated from the original Persian by E. Rehatsek, and called by him ʻSacred and profane history according to the Moslem belief.' Edited by F.F. Arbuthnot. On spine, pt. I (v.1-2) 1892 ; pt. II (v.1-3) 1893. Show less
Nicolas Baudot de Juilly. Title in red and black; title vignette, head pieces, initials. Ascribed to author in UCB and BN catalogs; attributed also... Show moreNicolas Baudot de Juilly. Title in red and black; title vignette, head pieces, initials. Ascribed to author in UCB and BN catalogs; attributed also to Gabriel [i.e. Sʹebastien] de Brʹemond. Cf. BM Gen. cat., v. 26, p. 269, 275. Brown morocco with gilt borderlines; gilt ornamentation on back. Show less
par MM. Ed. Combes et M. Tamisier, 1835-1837. Imperfect: map wanting. Also issued online. Show morepar MM. Ed. Combes et M. Tamisier, 1835-1837. Imperfect: map wanting. Also issued online. Show less