traduite sur les originaux grecs par Mr Cousin ... 8 tomes in 10 volumes Main Heritage Shelves General DR719 .C68 1685 Book vol. 8 Item-ID: i20307792 BIB... Show moretraduite sur les originaux grecs par Mr Cousin ... 8 tomes in 10 volumes Main Heritage Shelves General DR719 .C68 1685 Book vol. 8 Item-ID: i20307792 BIB-ID: 1011777 Show less
France. Ministère de l'instruction publique., Art--History, Art--Egypt--History, Antiquities, N5351 .P75 1878
par Prisse d'Avennes ; ouvrage publié sous les auspices du Ministère de l'instruction publique, des cultes et des beaux-arts. Main Heritage Shelves... Show morepar Prisse d'Avennes ; ouvrage publié sous les auspices du Ministère de l'instruction publique, des cultes et des beaux-arts. Main Heritage Shelves General N5351 .P75 1878 Book vol. 1 Item-ID: i10101743 BIB-ID: 2601693 Show less
Bibliothèque géographique. Main Heritage Shelves General DS204.5 .K54 1938 Book Item-ID: i10136794 BIB-ID: 1015315 Show moreBibliothèque géographique. Main Heritage Shelves General DS204.5 .K54 1938 Book Item-ID: i10136794 BIB-ID: 1015315 Show less
Compiled by Jean François de Lacroix and Antoine Hornot. Leaves page-numbered 213-214, 275-276, 337-338 and 351-352 are cancellans. Advertisement: p.... Show moreCompiled by Jean François de Lacroix and Antoine Hornot. Leaves page-numbered 213-214, 275-276, 337-338 and 351-352 are cancellans. Advertisement: p. [2] at end. Main Heritage Shelves General DS235 .A54 1772 Book Item-ID: i10055368 BIB-ID: 1007172 Show less
Jules-Edouard Alboize Du Pujol, Auguste-Jean-François Arnould, A. Maquet. Main Heritage Shelves General DC167.5 .A53 1844 Book vol. 5-6 Item-ID: i10101445 ... Show moreJules-Edouard Alboize Du Pujol, Auguste-Jean-François Arnould, A. Maquet. Main Heritage Shelves General DC167.5 .A53 1844 Book vol. 5-6 Item-ID: i10101445 BIB-ID: 1011780 Show less
par G.B. Depping. Ouvrage qui a été couronné en 1828 par l'Académie royale des inscriptions et belles-lettres. Main Heritage Shelves General HF1025 ... Show morepar G.B. Depping. Ouvrage qui a été couronné en 1828 par l'Académie royale des inscriptions et belles-lettres. Main Heritage Shelves General HF1025 .D46 1830 Book vol.2 Item-ID: i20235379 BIB-ID: 1011857 Also issued online. Show less
Jules-Edouard Alboize Du Pujol, Auguste-Jean-François Arnould, A. Maquet. Main Heritage Shelves General DC167.5 .A53 1844 Book vol. 1-2 Item-ID: i20236438 ... Show moreJules-Edouard Alboize Du Pujol, Auguste-Jean-François Arnould, A. Maquet. Main Heritage Shelves General DC167.5 .A53 1844 Book vol. 1-2 Item-ID: i20236438 BIB-ID: 1011780 Show less
Première partie ; Deuxième partie. publié sous la direction de André Michel. Main Heritage Shelves General N5300.M63 H57 1905 Book Vol. 2 Item-ID: i20225660 ... Show morePremière partie ; Deuxième partie. publié sous la direction de André Michel. Main Heritage Shelves General N5300.M63 H57 1905 Book Vol. 2 Item-ID: i20225660 BIB-ID: 1011815 Bibliogr. en fin de chap. 2e tirage : 1920-1921. 130012101 La p. de titre de la 2e partie manque Show less
[d'Après MD] ; cette carte a été envoyé à l'auteur par Mr. Law de Lauriston. En carton : Shake omare, Goofs, Gedan. In : "Neptune oriental..." / Jean... Show more[d'Après MD] ; cette carte a été envoyé à l'auteur par Mr. Law de Lauriston. En carton : Shake omare, Goofs, Gedan. In : "Neptune oriental..." / Jean-Baptiste Nicolas Denis d'Après de Mannevillette, Paris : Demonville, 1775 d'après National maritime museum cat., vol. 3, p. 224. Main Heritage Compact General HC.MAP.00118 Print Map Item-ID: i1706594x BIB-ID: 1525259 Show less
Large and detailed chart of the southern part of the Red Sea, with detailed depth soundings, rhumb lines and, along the coasts, profiles of the... Show moreLarge and detailed chart of the southern part of the Red Sea, with detailed depth soundings, rhumb lines and, along the coasts, profiles of the hills as seen from the sea. This Map particularly decorative Sea Chart of the Red Sea, including Jeddah, three decorative insets with prospects of Shake Omare, Goofs and Gedan. D'Apres de Mannevillette ( 1707-1780), whose Oriental Neptune provides the maps to accompany this Navigator, was a celebrated French cartographer who had a long and distinguished career in the French East India Company. His father was a ship's captain in the service of French West India Company, born in Le Havre, de Mannevillette visited the Caribbean in 1726 abroad Le Marechal D'Estrées, He studied under the famous Guillaume Delisle, the King's geographer, and during a voyage to China in 1728 he succeeded in correcting the latitudes of many places using new instruments. Back in France he devised a plan to correct and publish all the existing maps of the route to China: the Red Sea, the coasts of India, Malaya, the northern parts of Indonesia, Indochina and China, Interested in Navigation in his youth, he was one of the first Frenchmen to use Hadley's quadrant, from 1735 he began collecting charts and material about the navigation of Africa and the Indies, travelling extensively for the purpose During his many voyages d'Apres de Mannevillette created a number of charts for a hydrographic atlas which, with the support of the Academie des Sciences, was published in Paris in 1745 under the title "Le Neptune Oriental" with 25 maps. For the next thirty years, with the help of his friend and eminent British hydrographer Alexander Dalrymple, d'Apres de Mannevillette revised his charts for a second and enlarged edition. This comprehensive atlas was used on all French ships and by some foreign ones too, navigating the Indian Ocean. It replaced the "English Pilot" published by John Thornton in 1700 and the charts of the van Keulens, the hydrographers of the Dutch East India Company, which were full of errors. [Après de Mannevillette]. Main Heritage Compact General HC.MAP.00093 Print Map Item-ID: i11401515 BIB-ID: 1822145 Show less
Jules-Edouard Alboize Du Pujol, Auguste-Jean-François Arnould, A. Maquet. Main Heritage Shelves General DC167.5 .A53 1844 Book vol. 5-6 Item-ID: i10101445 ... Show moreJules-Edouard Alboize Du Pujol, Auguste-Jean-François Arnould, A. Maquet. Main Heritage Shelves General DC167.5 .A53 1844 Book vol. 5-6 Item-ID: i10101445 BIB-ID: 1011780 Show less
Jules-Edouard Alboize Du Pujol, Auguste-Jean-François Arnould, A. Maquet. Main Heritage Shelves General DC167.5 .A53 1844 Book vol. 1-2 Item-ID: i20236438 ... Show moreJules-Edouard Alboize Du Pujol, Auguste-Jean-François Arnould, A. Maquet. Main Heritage Shelves General DC167.5 .A53 1844 Book vol. 1-2 Item-ID: i20236438 BIB-ID: 1011780 Show less
Jules-Edouard Alboize Du Pujol, Auguste-Jean-François Arnould, A. Maquet. Main Heritage Shelves General DC167.5 .A53 1844 Book vol. 3-4 Item-ID: i20236426 ... Show moreJules-Edouard Alboize Du Pujol, Auguste-Jean-François Arnould, A. Maquet. Main Heritage Shelves General DC167.5 .A53 1844 Book vol. 3-4 Item-ID: i20236426 BIB-ID: 1011780 Show less
[traduit et choisi] par Lacroix-de Marlès. Selections from: Histoire de la domination des Arabes et des Maures en Espagne et en Portugal / José... Show more[traduit et choisi] par Lacroix-de Marlès. Selections from: Histoire de la domination des Arabes et des Maures en Espagne et en Portugal / José Antonio Condé. 3 v. Original text in Spanish, by José Antonio Condé, was drawn from various Arabic manuscripts and memoirs. "Contenant en outre des notices exactes sur leurs conquêtes, leur religion, moeurs, arts, usages; des anecdotes curieuses et intéressantes; des traits divers d'hérïsme, de courage, de grandeur d'ame, etc." Main Heritage Shelves General DP102 .C66 1824 Book Item-ID: i10064126 BIB-ID: 1008048 Show less
Ernest Mercier. Main Heritage Shelves General DT174 .M47 1830 Book Item-ID: i10101688 BIB-ID: 1011804 Microfiche. Paris : Bibliothèque Nationale, [s.d.].... Show moreErnest Mercier. Main Heritage Shelves General DT174 .M47 1830 Book Item-ID: i10101688 BIB-ID: 1011804 Microfiche. Paris : Bibliothèque Nationale, [s.d.]. Paris : Bibliothèque Nationale, Service Photographique. 7 microfiches ; 105 x 148 mm. 8-O3-698 (3) Bibliothèque Nationale Impr. FR Show less
James Henry Breasted ; préface de Jean Capart. Translation of: A history of Egypt. "Traduit de l'anglais." Main Heritage Shelves General DT83 .B74 1926 ... Show moreJames Henry Breasted ; préface de Jean Capart. Translation of: A history of Egypt. "Traduit de l'anglais." Main Heritage Shelves General DT83 .B74 1926 Book vol.2 Item-ID: i20225908 BIB-ID: 2499181 Copies also from Mahmoud Saba's personl library collection at the American University in Cairo. Show less
James Henry Breasted ; préface de Jean Capart. Translation of: A history of Egypt. "Traduit de l'anglais." Main Heritage Shelves General DT83 .B74 1926 ... Show moreJames Henry Breasted ; préface de Jean Capart. Translation of: A history of Egypt. "Traduit de l'anglais." Main Heritage Shelves General DT83 .B74 1926 Book vol.1 Item-ID: i15641405 BIB-ID: 2499181 Copies also from Mahmoud Saba's personl library collection at the American University in Cairo. Show less
Jules-Edouard Alboize Du Pujol, Auguste-Jean-François Arnould, A. Maquet. Main Heritage Shelves General DC167.5 .A53 1844 Book vol. 3-4 Item-ID: i20236426 ... Show moreJules-Edouard Alboize Du Pujol, Auguste-Jean-François Arnould, A. Maquet. Main Heritage Shelves General DC167.5 .A53 1844 Book vol. 3-4 Item-ID: i20236426 BIB-ID: 1011780 Show less
par Pierre Du-Puy. Main Heritage Shelves General CR4743 .D87 1751 Book Item-ID: i23687629 BIB-ID: 2395530 Includes bibliographical references and indexes. ... Show morepar Pierre Du-Puy. Main Heritage Shelves General CR4743 .D87 1751 Book Item-ID: i23687629 BIB-ID: 2395530 Includes bibliographical references and indexes. In French and Latin. Show less
In Dutch and French Uncertain date, could be 1707, 1710, or 1727, with 1707 the most likely Relief shown pictorially French text below neatline: ... Show moreIn Dutch and French Uncertain date, could be 1707, 1710, or 1727, with 1707 the most likely Relief shown pictorially French text below neatline: "Sixième voyage par mer fait aux depens de la Compagnie angloise, sous les ordres d'Henri Middelton, dans la Mer Rouge jusqu'à Mocha, tiré de ses relations, et conféré avec les cartes les plus correctes, levées sur les lieux / de nouveau mis au jour par Pierre vander Aa, a Leide. Avec privilege." Main Heritage Compact General HC.MAP.00432 Print Map Item-ID: i23878617 BIB-ID: 2539072 Show less