Horses, Horses--Dictionaries--Early works to 1800, Horses--Diseases, Horses--Diseases--Dictionaries--Early works to 1800, Veterinary medicine, Veterinary medicine--Dictionaries, Horses, Horses--Diseases, SF278 .H86 1796
by J. Hunter, veterinarian. With a half-title. Printed in two columns. Main Heritage Shelves General SF278 .H86 1796 Book Item-ID: i23356182 BIB-ID: 2499114 Show moreby J. Hunter, veterinarian. With a half-title. Printed in two columns. Main Heritage Shelves General SF278 .H86 1796 Book Item-ID: i23356182 BIB-ID: 2499114 Show less
"Marchant, printer, Ingram-Court, Fenchurch Street."--Title page verso and colophon. "A great portion of the following pages has already appeared in... Show more"Marchant, printer, Ingram-Court, Fenchurch Street."--Title page verso and colophon. "A great portion of the following pages has already appeared in a series of papers in the "Sporting Magazine"--Preface. Main Heritage Shelves General SF279 .H68 1840 Book Item-ID: i23350878 BIB-ID: 2498777 Show less
by J. Clark. Originally published in Edinburgh, 1788. "J. Taylor, Bookseller, 130 North Street, Brighton and 162 Great Surrey Street, London.... Show moreby J. Clark. Originally published in Edinburgh, 1788. "J. Taylor, Bookseller, 130 North Street, Brighton and 162 Great Surrey Street, London. Stationary - Periodicals supplied - Bookbinding" --upper left corner inside of the front cover. Main Heritage Shelves General SF951 .C53 1790 Book Item-ID: i23356170 BIB-ID: 2499113 Show less
by Edward Mayhew ; embellished with numerous coloured engravings from drawings made expressly for the work, and taken rom authenticated mouths;... Show moreby Edward Mayhew ; embellished with numerous coloured engravings from drawings made expressly for the work, and taken rom authenticated mouths; with thirty-two wood-cuts, illustrative of the letter-press. First edition published 1849. Main Heritage Shelves General SF869 .M47 1860 Book Item-ID: i23337783 BIB-ID: 2497860 Show less
by Joseph Osborne ("Beacon"). Date on spine: 1895. Includes indexes. With half-title. Main Heritage Shelves General SF293.A1 O7 1895 Book Item-ID: i2333812x ... Show moreby Joseph Osborne ("Beacon"). Date on spine: 1895. Includes indexes. With half-title. Main Heritage Shelves General SF293.A1 O7 1895 Book Item-ID: i2333812x BIB-ID: 2497880 Show less
Horses, Horses--Early works to 1800, Horses--Anatomy, Horses--Anatomy--Early works to 1800, Horses--Diseases--Treatment, Horses--Diseases--Treatment--Early works to 1800, Horses, Horses--Anatomy, Horses--Diseases--Treatment, SF951 .G53 1751
by William Gibson, Surgeon, in Duke-Street, grosvenor Square ; illustrated with thirty-two copper-plates. Signatures: A-3P⁴ (verso of A1 is blank). P... Show moreby William Gibson, Surgeon, in Duke-Street, grosvenor Square ; illustrated with thirty-two copper-plates. Signatures: A-3P⁴ (verso of A1 is blank). Pagination errors: p. 321 and 322 are misnumbered as 231 and 232 respectively. Preface is dated Oct. 1, 1750. Printed marginal notes. Woodcut tail-piece. Includes index. Main Heritage Shelves General SF951 .G53 1751 Book Item-ID: i23350106 BIB-ID: 2498731 Show less
by John Hinds; veterinary surgeon. Colophon: Printed by Thomas Davison. Publisher's advertisement: 1 p. at end. Later edition has title: Farriery,... Show moreby John Hinds; veterinary surgeon. Colophon: Printed by Thomas Davison. Publisher's advertisement: 1 p. at end. Later edition has title: Farriery, taught on a new and easy plan. Main Heritage Shelves General SF955 .B33 1827 Book Item-ID: i23355876 BIB-ID: 2499097 Includes index. Show less
Horses, Horses--Diseases, Horseshoeing, Horseshoeing--Early works to 1800, Horses, Horses--Diseases, SF955 .B73 1745
by Henry Bracken, M. D. Vol. 2 is of the third edition, with imprint: London, J. Hodges, 1743. Subtitle in vol. 2 slightly various : "... the... Show moreby Henry Bracken, M. D. Vol. 2 is of the third edition, with imprint: London, J. Hodges, 1743. Subtitle in vol. 2 slightly various : "... the diseases and accidents to which he is incident, with the method of cure : delivered in as clear and intelligible a manner as the subject will admit." Includes advertisements. Main Heritage Shelves General SF955 .B73 1745 Book Item-ID: i23357332 BIB-ID: 2499213 Includes index. Show less
Horses, Horses--Diseases, Horseshoeing, Horseshoeing--Early works to 1800, Horses, Horses--Diseases, SF955 .B73 1745
by Henry Bracken, M. D. Vol. 2 is of the third edition, with imprint: London, J. Hodges, 1743. Subtitle in vol. 2 slightly various : "... the... Show moreby Henry Bracken, M. D. Vol. 2 is of the third edition, with imprint: London, J. Hodges, 1743. Subtitle in vol. 2 slightly various : "... the diseases and accidents to which he is incident, with the method of cure : delivered in as clear and intelligible a manner as the subject will admit." Includes advertisements. Main Heritage Shelves General SF955 .B73 1745 Book Item-ID: i23357344 BIB-ID: 2499213 Includes index. Show less
Horses--Diseases, Horses--Diseases--Early works to 1800, Horses--Diseases, SF951 .G75 1784
by William Griffiths, groom, at Wynnstay. "Entered at Stationers Hall." Includes a list of subscribers at end. Main Heritage Shelves General SF951 .G75... Show moreby William Griffiths, groom, at Wynnstay. "Entered at Stationers Hall." Includes a list of subscribers at end. Main Heritage Shelves General SF951 .G75 1784 Book Item-ID: i23334873 BIB-ID: 2497680 Show less
by John Lawrence. Main Heritage Shelves General SF285 .L38 1802 Book Item-ID: i2335737x BIB-ID: 2499224 Includes index. Show moreby John Lawrence. Main Heritage Shelves General SF285 .L38 1802 Book Item-ID: i2335737x BIB-ID: 2499224 Includes index. Show less
by John Lawrence. Main Heritage Shelves General SF285 .L38 1802 Book Item-ID: i23357368 BIB-ID: 2499224 Includes index. Show moreby John Lawrence. Main Heritage Shelves General SF285 .L38 1802 Book Item-ID: i23357368 BIB-ID: 2499224 Includes index. Show less
by M. Horace Hayes. Main Heritage Shelves General SF285 .H39 1909 Book Item-ID: i23356224 BIB-ID: 2499118 Includes index. Also issued online. Show moreby M. Horace Hayes. Main Heritage Shelves General SF285 .H39 1909 Book Item-ID: i23356224 BIB-ID: 2499118 Includes index. Also issued online. Show less
by Nimrod ; with notes and a copious index ... Main Heritage Shelves General SF285 .N56 1831 Book Item-ID: i10169751 BIB-ID: 1018611 Includes... Show moreby Nimrod ; with notes and a copious index ... Main Heritage Shelves General SF285 .N56 1831 Book Item-ID: i10169751 BIB-ID: 1018611 Includes bibliographical references and index. Show less
Horses, Horses--Diseases, Horsemanship, Médecine vétérinaire--Ouvrages avant 1800, Cheval--Ouvrages avant 1800, Cheval--Maladies--Ouvrages avant 1800, Équitation--Ouvrages avant 1800, SF285 .S65 1733
par le Sieur De Solleysel, escuyer. 18th century edition of this work first published in 1664. Jacques de Solleysel, Sieur du Clapier (1617-80), was... Show morepar le Sieur De Solleysel, escuyer. 18th century edition of this work first published in 1664. Jacques de Solleysel, Sieur du Clapier (1617-80), was a "célèbre écuyer et hippiàtre français, [...] fils dun officier des Gendarmes Ecoissais [...] Solleysel était un homme instruit, dun esprit distingué et dun commerce agréable. Il avait de nombreux amis et sa compagnie était recherchée par ses contemporains. Il était bon musicien et avait un certain talent de peinture et de dessein. Cest lui, dailleurs, qui a dessiné et signé le joli frontispice de son Parfait Maréchal Il est probablement aussi lauteur des pl. et fig. qui ornent cet ouvrage" (Mennessier de la L. II, 524). The engravings show a rising horse with the various parts of the body referenced by page-number, a numbered view of a horse, and a horse skeleton in whole and parts. The text woodcuts are "3 fig. de fers, 17 fig. de canons de mors et 8 fig. de branches" (ibid.). Ms. ownership note "Luigi Mannucci" (c. 1850) on front flyleaf. Avis au lecteur, tables des matières. Main Heritage Shelves General SF285 .S65 1733 Book Item-ID: i16220584 BIB-ID: 1463240 Show less
by Richard Lawrence, veterinary surgeon ... Added title page, engraved. Main Heritage Shelves General SF955 .L42 1816 Book Item-ID: i23322044 BIB-ID:... Show moreby Richard Lawrence, veterinary surgeon ... Added title page, engraved. Main Heritage Shelves General SF955 .L42 1816 Book Item-ID: i23322044 BIB-ID: 2496824 Show less
by Richard Lawrence. "Birmingham, printed for Knott and Lloyd, and T.A. Pearson's office ..."--Colophon. Engraved plates of horses by Lawrence,... Show moreby Richard Lawrence. "Birmingham, printed for Knott and Lloyd, and T.A. Pearson's office ..."--Colophon. Engraved plates of horses by Lawrence, interleaved with descriptive text. List of subscribers, p. [xxi]-[xxv]. Includes index. Main Heritage Shelves General SF955 .L39 1801 Book Item-ID: i23349852 BIB-ID: 2498718 Show less
Horses, Horses--California, Arabian horse, Horses, Horses--Pedigrees, SF293.A8 D53 1947
Map on p. [3] of cover. "Copyright ... by J.M. Dickinson." Main Heritage Compact General SF293.A8 D53 1947 Book Item-ID: i25785862 BIB-ID: 1171739 Show moreMap on p. [3] of cover. "Copyright ... by J.M. Dickinson." Main Heritage Compact General SF293.A8 D53 1947 Book Item-ID: i25785862 BIB-ID: 1171739 Show less
by John Lawrence. Includes index. Signature "D. Cameron 1836"--preliminary page. Main Heritage Shelves General SF285 .L49 1809 Book Item-ID: i23349840 BIB... Show moreby John Lawrence. Includes index. Signature "D. Cameron 1836"--preliminary page. Main Heritage Shelves General SF285 .L49 1809 Book Item-ID: i23349840 BIB-ID: 2498717 Show less
by Richard Mason ; to which is added, a prize essay on mules ; an appendix, containing recipes for diseases of horses, oxen, cows, calves, sheep,... Show moreby Richard Mason ; to which is added, a prize essay on mules ; an appendix, containing recipes for diseases of horses, oxen, cows, calves, sheep, dogs, swine, etc., etc. with annales of the turf, American stud-book, rules for training, racing, etc. ; with a supplement comprising an essay on domestic animals, especially the horse ; with remarks on treatment and breeding ; together with trotting and racing tables, showing the best time on record, at one,two, three, and four mile heats, pedigrees of winning horses, since 1839 ; and of the most celebrated stallions and mares ; with useful calving and lambing tables, &c. &c. by J. S. Skinner. Earlier editions published under title: Gentleman's new pocket farrier. Edition statement transposed from its original position following title proper. Prize essay on the mule (p. 162-193)--has caption title: A dissertation on the mule / by Samuel Wyllys Pomeroy. "Addenda : Annals of the turf and American stud book rules of training, racing, &c. ": p. [286]-415. Supplement (101 p. at end)--has title: Supplement to Mason and Hind's Popular System of farriery ... together with trotting and racing tables ... pedigrees of winning horses since 1839 ... by J. S. Skinner. Main Heritage Shelves General SF951 .M39 1855 Book Item-ID: i23350283 BIB-ID: 2498744 Show less