edited with and introduction by C.R. Boxer. The frontispiece is a facsimile of the t.p. of the original edition, Lisboa, 1647: Commentarios do... Show moreedited with and introduction by C.R. Boxer. The frontispiece is a facsimile of the t.p. of the original edition, Lisboa, 1647: Commentarios do grande capitam Rvy Frevre de Andrada ... Tirados de humas relaçoẽs, & papeis verdadeyros por industria de Paulo Craesbeeck ... "It is not certain who was the author of the Commentarios, but it was probably the publisher Paulo Craesbeeck, who claims to have composed the volume from various 'trustworthy papers'."--Preface. Main Heritage Shelves General DP629.F7 C73 1930 Book Item-ID: i25325048 BIB-ID: 2712669 Includes bibliographical references (pages 319-320). Show less
Public relationsCompagnie générale transatlantique, Tourism, Tourism--Morocco--20th Century, Ocean liners, Ocean liners--French--20th Century
Vintage travel issued by the shipping company "Compagnie Générale Transatlantique" advertising the route connecting Bordeaux in France and Morocco... Show moreVintage travel issued by the shipping company "Compagnie Générale Transatlantique" advertising the route connecting Bordeaux in France and Morocco. The poster depicts local men on camels and donkeys outside a village. In the foreground some trees and a minaret. Title from item, date devised by Library staff. The poster is signed and inscribed "Crété-Corbeil". Main Heritage Compact General HC.GM.P.2019.0169 2-D Graphic Item-ID: i2622172x BIB-ID: 2802323 Show less
Main Heritage Shelves General DS272 .S95 1930 Book vol. 1 Item-ID: i15530565 BIB-ID: 2522823 Show moreMain Heritage Shelves General DS272 .S95 1930 Book vol. 1 Item-ID: i15530565 BIB-ID: 2522823 Show less
Main Heritage Shelves General DS272 .S95 1930 Book vol. 2 Item-ID: i23658447 BIB-ID: 2522823 Show moreMain Heritage Shelves General DS272 .S95 1930 Book vol. 2 Item-ID: i23658447 BIB-ID: 2522823 Show less
Egyptian Agricultural Organization., Arabian horse--Breeding, Arabian horse--Saudi Arabia--Breeding--Photographs, Arabian horse--Breeding, Arabian horse--Egypt--Breeding--Photographs
The album collects photographs taken by Dr Ahmed Mabrouk of the Egyptian Agricultural Organization during his trip to Arabia in the early 1930s.... Show moreThe album collects photographs taken by Dr Ahmed Mabrouk of the Egyptian Agricultural Organization during his trip to Arabia in the early 1930s. Those photographs were used to illustrate his 1939 book A Journey to Arabia, whose title page is reproduced in a photocopy included in the album. Also, 1 page of the 1971 November-December issue of The Arabian Horse News is included. The clipping is related to the activities of the Egyptian Agricultural Organization in Saudi Arabia. Dr. Mabrouk (Egypt) RAS Trip 1930's -- Saudi Arabia Miscellaneous Photos Title and date from item. Prints have typescript description on the mount. Main Heritage Compact General HC.HP.FOR.0240 2-D Graphic Item-ID: i24986069 BIB-ID: 2671146 Mabrouk, Ahmed. A Journey to Arabia. Cairo: Print. Office, Paul Barbey, 1939. Show less