Preface.--Introductory.--General.--Administrative and financial progress.--Agrarian legislature.--Archאָgy and ancient monuments.--Art.--Burma.-... Show morePreface.--Introductory.--General.--Administrative and financial progress.--Agrarian legislature.--Archאָgy and ancient monuments.--Art.--Burma.--Chiefs and princes of India.--Chiefs' colleges and education.--Commerce and industry.-- Delhi coronation durbar.--Education.--Eurasians.--Famine.--Foreign affairs.--Frontier policy.--Game preservation.--Historical memorials.--Irrigation.--Military administration.--Mohammedans.--National development.--Persian gulf.--Plague.--Planters.--Queen Victoria memorial.--Temperance.--Valedictory. with a portrait, explanatory notes and an index, and with an introduction, by Sir Thomas Raleigh. Main Heritage Shelves General DS480 .C87 1906 Book Item-ID: i25324093 BIB-ID: 2711726 Show less
Civil administration.--On military matters.--Relating to the northwest frontier of India.--Relating to the Persian War.--Observations on the... Show moreCivil administration.--On military matters.--Relating to the northwest frontier of India.--Relating to the Persian War.--Observations on the present condition of India, and on the reorganization of its civil and military administration. Collected and ed. by Captain Lewis Pelly ... Also issued online. Show less