The origin of the Ṭirāz system -- The Ṭirāz under the Abbasids -- The manufactures of Baghdad -- The manufactures of Iraq and Jazira -- Ṭirāz... Show moreThe origin of the Ṭirāz system -- The Ṭirāz under the Abbasids -- The manufactures of Baghdad -- The manufactures of Iraq and Jazira -- Ṭirāz cities in Khuzistan -- The Fars group -- The Armenian-Caspian group -- Ṭaba̲ristān, Ḳūmis, Dj̲urdj̲ān -- Dj̲ibāl -- Khurasan -- Transoxania -- Khoresm (Kh̲wārizm) -- Kerman and Seistan -- The Ṭirāz in India -- Syrian textiles -- Textiles in the Yemen -- Egyptian textiles -- Textiles and the Ṭirāz in Spain -- The Maghreb -- Sicily -- Asia Minor of Mongol times -- Sea-wool -- Technical methods -- Dyers -- Furs -- Costume -- Kaaba coverings -- Indian, Chinese and other influences -- Early trade routes. [by] R.B. Serjeant. "Originally published serially in Ars Islamica (Michigan, 1942-51), IX-XVI." Main Compact Shelving Non Fiction TS1395.M4 S47 1972 Book Item-ID: i15714639 BIB-ID: 2814854 Includes bibliographical references and indexes. Show less