المستودع الرقمي لمكتبة قطر الوطنية

(نسخة تجريبية)

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25 - 36 of 49
The legendary 17th-century Ottoman Turkish scholar Kâtip Çelebi started to write this historical work a propos of the Cretan war of 1645, and completed it as a unique summary of the history of Turkish maritime operations. The first part reports on the success of the Ottoman fleet before 1453, whil ...
الجزء الأول. شرح قصيدة إمرئ القيس., مترجمي دار التعليم طلبة سندن هرسكلي محمد كامل., Main Heritage Shelves General, PJ7696.I5 Z54 1887, Book, Item-ID: i15827823, BIB-ID: 2524543
This chronological history of mankind spreads from the beginnings to 1648, but this work by Kâtib Çelebi was complemented by two more chronologies, one compiled by himself and one by Şeyh Mehmed Efendi, which extended it to 1733. According to the preface, the publication of this work was suggeste ...
للقانوني الفاضل سعادتلو كاظم بك أفندي ؛ معرب بقلم كمال قزح., وقد أضاف إليه زيادات ذات شأن بالاجازة من نظارة المعارف الجليلة., تقرر في نظارة المعارف الجليلة قبوله للتد ...
رسول الكركوكلي ؛ ترجمة موسى كاظم نورس., Main Heritage Compact General, DS62.4 .K57 1963, Book, Item-ID: i15564733, BIB-ID: 2522568
The authorship of Müteferrika in this compilation on magnetic effects can be supported with a good reason. The smallest book published in his press is a selection of extracts and chapters from various Latin works. It was probably the importance of magnetism in navigation and thus indirectly in the ...
ترجمه من اللغة التركية إلى العربية عزتلو نقولا افندي نقاش., Main Heritage Shelves General, KKX920 .T87 1880, Book, Item-ID: i10972717, BIB-ID: 1360796, مع: ذيل قانون التجارة -- نظام أصول المحاكمات التجارية -- ...
The Cihânnümâ (“Book of the World”) was the most state of art summary of the Ottoman geographical knowledge of the age. The reason was that the author heavily relied, for the very first time, on European sources, such as Mercator’s famous Atlas Minor. The first part of the work is dedicated ...
This volume is the first edition of this 17th-c. history of Sultan Suleyman I, the Splendid (ruled 1520-66). Early work from the Bulaq press, founded by Mohammed Ali in 1822, Main Heritage Compact General, DR505 .K27 1832, Book, Item-ID: i19687527, BIB-ID: 1779944, Ottoman Turkish.
لنظمى زادن افندى, .في كلمات مفتاحية, تظهر في النص تأشير بعض المصطلحات بخط في أعلاها., Main Heritage Shelves General, DS79.9.B25 N39 1730, Book, Item-ID: i2193910x, BIB-ID: 2345430, يتضمن فهرس, Watson, William J. "Ibrāhīm M ...
Main Heritage Shelves General, PK6381.T8 J39 1742 vol.1, Book, vol.1, Item-ID: i21940472, BIB-ID: 2345478, Watson, William J. "Ibrāhīm Müteferriḳa and Turkish Incunabula". Journal of the American Oriental Society, 88:3 (Jul./Sep. 1968), pp. 435-441, The mysterious printer Ibrahim Müteferrika a ...