المستودع الرقمي لمكتبة قطر الوطنية

(نسخة تجريبية)

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169 - 180 of 477
Gulielmo Copo Basileiensi interprete, accurata cum vetustis codicibus collatione quamplurimis in locis diligentius, quam unquam antehac castigati ..., Early edition of the authoritative Latin translation of Galen's treatises on the classification and causation of diseases and symptoms by Wilhelm Cop ...
p.p. Esaias Tegnér., First edition of this inaugural dissertation in Arabic linguistics, concerning 'nunnation', or the addition of a final 'n' to a word, in the declension of certain Arabic nouns. The author, grandson of the great Swedish writer of the same name, later was professor in oriental la ...
[Präses:] Olof Celsius; [Resp.:] Benedictus Piscator., Univ., Diss.--Uppsala, 1722.
Gulielmo Postello Barentonio authore., Title vignette, with motto: Alteri seruiens, consumor., Italic type. Initials., The text on each page is enclosed in lines ruled in red ink; title-page also, with extra horizontal lines for each line in the title and imprint., Main Heritage Shelves General, BT1 ...
adcessit huic ... editioni Jo. Metelli ... epistola ad Ant. Augustinum., Only German-printed edition. - Fundamental source for the history of the reign of King Manuel I, "the Fortunate", under whom Portugal discovered the sea route to India and built a colonial empire in the Indian Ocean. Bishop Jer ...
authore R.P. Nicolao Caussino ... ; accedunt in appendice Ioan. Pierii Valeriani hieroglyphicorum analysis, per R.P. Nic. Caussinum ... ; item ex. R.P. Max. Sandaei ..., Added t.p.'s: Polyhistor symbolicus -- Symbolorum hieroglyphicorum et emblematum., 2nd added t.p. includes: Ex libro Dionysii Areo ...
Avctore Richardo Mead ... Hvic accessit Rhazis, medici inter Arabas celeberrimi, de iisdem morbis commentarivs., Die Vorlage enth. insgesamt ... Werke.
Claudio Salmasio auctore., Includes index, Main Heritage Shelves General, HB535 .S28 1638, Book, Item-ID: i10077820, BIB-ID: 1009418
Laurentio Frisio authore., Title within ornamental woodcut border., Place of publication and printer's name from colophon on leaf b5v. Colophon reads: Argentorati apud Ioannem Knoblouchum iuniorem. xxiiij. Augusti Anno Christi M.D.XXX., Signatures: a⁴ b⁶ (b6 blank)., First edition of this polemi ...