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1. Publisher's note. Biographical note on the Scheuchzer family by Sir Archibald Keikie. The dedication. The names of the subscribers to the original edition. The author's preface. The life of the author, by the translator. An introduction by the translator. The history of Japan: book I. A general d ...
1. Publisher's note. Biographical note on the Scheuchzer family by Sir Archibald Keikie. The dedication. The names of the subscribers to the original edition. The author's preface. The life of the author, by the translator. An introduction by the translator. The history of Japan: book I. A general d ...
1. Publisher's note. Biographical note on the Scheuchzer family by Sir Archibald Keikie. The dedication. The names of the subscribers to the original edition. The author's preface. The life of the author, by the translator. An introduction by the translator. The history of Japan: book I. A general d ...
[SERAPION, the elder]. Iani Damasceni Decapolitani summae inter Arabes autoritatis medici, therapeutice methodi, hoc est, curandi artis libri VII. partim Albano Torino Vitodurano paraphrste, partim Gerardo iatro Cremonensi mataphraste ... Basle, Henric Petri [1543] Small folio, 1 l(b) + 1t + 1 + 8 ...
in Lat. ling. conversi Joan. Floriano interpr., First Latin edition of this celebrated work on African geography by the Islamic scholar Hasan ben Muhamed el-Wazzan-ez-Zayyati (1485-1552), better known under his Latin name Johannes Leo Africanus. His work long remained the principal source of informa ...
cum Mundini, Honesti, Manardi & Sylvii in 3 priores libros observationibus ... his accessere ... atque item Ioannis Costaei Annotationes ..., 'Abu Zakariyya' Yuhanna Inb Masawaykh known as Mesue Yuhanna Ibn Masawayh (C.777-857) is one of the great name of islamic medicine. he was personal phys ...
cum Mundini, Honesti, Manardi & Sylvii in 3 priores libros observationibus ... his accessere ... atque item Ioannis Costaei Annotationes ..., 'Abu Zakariyya' Yuhanna Inb Masawaykh known as Mesue Yuhanna Ibn Masawayh (C.777-857) is one of the great name of islamic medicine. he was personal phys ...
cum Mundini, Honesti, Manardi & Sylvii in 3 priores libros observationibus ... his accessere ... atque item Ioannis Costaei Annotationes ..., 'Abu Zakariyya' Yuhanna Inb Masawaykh known as Mesue Yuhanna Ibn Masawayh (C.777-857) is one of the great name of islamic medicine. he was personal phys ...
cum Mundini, Honesti, Manardi & Sylvii in 3 priores libros observationibus ... his accessere ... atque item Ioannis Costaei Annotationes ..., 'Abu Zakariyya' Yuhanna Inb Masawaykh known as Mesue Yuhanna Ibn Masawayh (C.777-857) is one of the great name of islamic medicine. he was personal phys ...
Paul Morand ; avec une carte hors texte.